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Results (118 - 120 of 1408)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#135 fixed Demonstration of the proposed GENI Federated Clearinghouse by CNRI

The Corporation for National Research Initiatives (CNRI) will be demonstrating the functionality of the proposed GENI Federated Clearinghouse (GFC), which is implemented using the Digital Object Registry technology. CNRI will demonstrate a data model for the clearinghouse records (user, resource, component, aggregate, sliver, slice, and corresponding manager records) to give an idea of how CNRI incorporated the GPO and cluster members' goals for the clearinghouse. CNRI will also highlight the scalability of the implemented system. The demonstration will include dissemination of the ProtoGENI clearinghouse information in real-time using a web interface. If things go as planned, CNRI will also show how the Million Node GENI project would be using the GFC.

Additional capabilities such as how end users can search on RSpec elements to discover resources, and for that matter, anything from the GFC to discover and retrieve the matched records will also be demonstrated. CNRI also plans to demonstrate a new security model that provides "freedom from the CRLs". The new security model is implemented using the PKI capability embedded in the Handle System.

For the demonstration, CNRI will require the following resources:

  1. Table space for a computer and a projector
  1. Projector and projection screen space
  1. Poster display space
  1. Four AC outlets
  1. Wired public Internet connection with two ethernet cables (static IP addresses)
#136 fixed GEC5 DOME Demo Description and Needs

We will demo the integration of DOME with ORCA. Also, we will be showing ViSE and DOME sharing an instance of ORCA.

The only resources we should require are: power (1 socket, we'll bring a power strip if more is needed), access to the Internet (wired or reliable wireless).

#137 fixed ViSE GEC5 Demonstration David Irwin

The ViSE project is demonstrating the integration of virtualized sensors with the latest release of the Orca control framework as well as an initial integration with the DOME-GENI testbed. ViSE and DOME will both be deployed on, using the same instance of the Orca control framework/clearinghouse. ViSE will demonstrate its sensor controller remotely (on to show the multiplexing of a sensor (in this case a PTZ camera) between two competing experiments. Additionally, we will demonstrate our progress toward radar virtualization.

The demonstration will require two A/C outlets, an Internet connection (to interact with, and a projector screen. We will supply the projector.

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