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Results (115 - 117 of 1408)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1337 fixed Scale up your experiment by international federation

Demo description paragraph (three sentence minimum): based on previous GEC demos on international federation, we want to demonstrate to what we can currently scale regarding number of resources and what limits the tools and federation currently have. (target: 1000 resources in an experiment built from multiple slices)

List of equipment that will need AC connections (e.g. laptop, switch, monitor):

only a laptop and a monitor

Total number of wired network connections (sum standard IP and VLAN connections):

1 wired connection

Number of wired layer 2 VLANs (if any): none Specify VLAN number, if known, approximate bandwidth, and whether tagged or untagged.

Number of wireless network connections (include required bandwidth if significant): 1 as a convenience

Number of static addresses needed (if any): none

Monitor (y/n, specify VGA or DVI): yes, VGA or HDMI

Number of posters (max size poster boards are 30" x 40"):


Special requests:

there will be a poster about SDX (submitted by Niky,Tom Lehman, Marshall and I) and it would be nice if they are next to each other.

Partners in this demo:

  • Brecht Vermeulen (iMinds, Belgium)
  • Max Ott (Nicta, Austrialia)
  • Rob Ricci (Univ. of Utah, US)
  • Ilya Baldin (Renci, US)
  • Aki Nakao (Univ. of Tokyo, Japan)
  • Mike Zink (Univ. of Massachusetts, US)
  • Ivan Seskar (Univ. of New Jersey, US)
#1396 fixed Upscaling your experiments by using International Federation of testbeds

One-sentence layman's description: This demo shows current production quality international world-wide federation of testbeds. Visit us to learn about large international testbed topologies for future internet research.

Who should see this demo ? Attendees interested in large international testbed topologies for future internet research.

Demo description paragraphs: This demo will show the strength of international federation of testbeds. We will demonstrate the current international federation in production (=what a student can use today) by building large international topologies on existing testbeds. We will demonstrate the possibility of provisioning and controlling experiments with 1000+ international resources, based on resources in GENI (US), Fed4FIRE (EU) and VNode (Japan). This demo is made possible by implementing the same APIs on testbeds and tools all over the globe.


  • 2 monitors if possible (1 might be okay)
  • 2 wired connections
  • 1 poster

If possible, location nearby the International SDX demo would be nice

thanks, Brecht

#1066 fixed Multi-homing support in MobilityFirst FIA

Brief demo description (A few sentences suitable for a GEC attendee information page. See ): The name based message delivery system based on global unique identifiers (GUID) implemented in MobilityFirst makes it possible to offer seamless mobility and multi-homing services without the problems associated with today’s IP. In this demo we will show how an Android phone equipped with two different interfaces (WiFi and WiMax) attached to MobilityFirst's network could easily exploit this feature to enhance the capabilities of mobile applications. More information on MobilityFirst FIA project can be found at

List of equipment that will need AC connections (e.g. laptop, switch hardware prototype, monitor). (Just put in the number of connections needed if your demo description already lists the equipment)

  • 1 laptop
  • 1 access point
  • 1 monitor

Number of wired network connections (include required bandwidth if significant): 1 wired connection

Number of wireless network connections (include required bandwidth if significant): 1 wifi connection for the laptop, 1 connection to the wimax base station

Number of static addresses needed (if any): none

Monitor (y/n, specify VGA or DVI) (Specify resolution only if your software has resolution restrictions.): 1 monitor with VGA connection

Number of posters (max size poster boards are 30" x 40"): 1 poster

Description of any special requests (include any specific network connectivity needs (e.g. layer2 VLAN to NLR), projects you'd like to be located near, etc.): the access point that we will use for the demo need to have access to ProtoGENI. We also need to connect one phone to the wimax base station.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.