Custom Query (1408 matches)


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Results (112 - 114 of 1408)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#784 fixed Completion of WIMXUMASS S3.f

Final Documentation and Code Release completed. The documentation has been updated and placed on the DOME web site. The software for creating DOME WiMAX experiments and customizing the kernel is on the DOME web site.

#1190 fixed GEC 19 Federation tools, authorities, and APIs

Brief demo description

Federation tools, authorities and APIs In this demo we will demonstrate the further integration of what was discussed at GEC18 (International federation, federation tool session). How can we set up a federation with the Federation APIs, what tools and authorities support this and what are the advantages and experiences.


Brecht Vermeulen, Rob Ricci, Marshall Brinn (we are still talking to other people also)

List of equipment that will need AC connections


Number of wired network connections

2 (no specific bandwidth requirement)

Number of wireless network connections

2 (no specific bandwidth requirement)

Number of static addresses needed (if any)



y, VGA please

Number of posters (max size poster boards are 30" x 40")


Description of any special requests

It still has to be discussed further on with Rob and Marshall.

#1228 fixed FIRE-GENI SDX 1.0 and performance on stitched links

description: We have created a first prototype of an SDX for exchange of stitching VLANs between European FIRE testbeds and GENI testbeds. We also developed a toolset to measure on certain moments in time the bandwidth performance on stitched links to see what an experimenter can expect and to learn more about the stitching technology.

Participants: Brecht Vermeulen, Tom Lehman, Xi Yang, Rob Ricci

Interesting for: anyone interested in stitching, international L2 connectivity and automated testing/monitoring.

List of equipment that will need AC connections (e.g. laptop, switch hardware prototype, monitor). (Just put in the number of connections needed if your demo description already lists the equipment)


Number of wired network connections (include required bandwidth if significant)

1 (no specific bandwidth requirement)

Number of wireless network connections (include required bandwidth if significant)

1 (no specific bandwidth requirement)

Number of static addresses needed (if any)


Monitor (y/n, specify VGA or DVI) (Specify resolution only if your software has resolution restrictions.)

y, VGA please

Number of posters (max size poster boards are 30" x 40")


Description of any special requests (include any specific network connectivity needs (e.g. layer2 VLAN to NLR), projects you'd like to be located near, etc.)

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