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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#531 fixed Milestone S2.m completion

The DOME project's contribution to community outreach has included the following.

We hired an REU student, Bryan Donlan, for the 2009-2010 school year. He ran experiments on the DOME test bed, taking measurements of WiFi access point signal strength as the buses ran on their routes. The goal was to determine the feasibility of estimating the location of the access points. The work was not completed due to time constraints.

The buses periodically log their GPS coordinates, approximately every 10 seconds if 3G connectivity is available. We duplicate the information in a UMass Transit Services database. This data is used by the Transit Services to provide a bus tracking web site to their riders. The data has also been used to aid research performed by the UMass Transportation Center.

The DOME project has also configured the computers in the buses to be NAT routers to bus riders. By sharing the 3G bandwidth, we are able to provide Internet access to the bus riders.

#772 fixed DOME: S3.e completion

WiMAX base station is deployed and bricks are deployed on buses. We have plotted data exchanges and signal strength (CINR) from buses. We have experimented with some base station settings. Our WiMAX is fairly stable.

#773 fixed Milestone S3.e complete

WiMAX base station is deployed and bricks are deployed on buses. We have plotted data exchanges and signal strength (CINR) from buses. We have experimented with some base station settings. Our WiMAX is fairly stable.

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