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Results (91 - 93 of 1408)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#670 fixed Milestone 3 completed Vic Thomas

We uploaded the final year 1 deliverable (Report on Attribution for GENI v. 1.0), and quarterly report, to the Wiki.

#1395 fixed SDN Router Security in GENI (demo)

SDN Router Security in GENI:

One-sentence layman's description: This demo shows consequences of compromised routers, controllers, and other systems

Who should see this demo? Attendees interested in network securty should see this demo.

Demo description paragraph(s): GENI is making wide use of software-defined networking. This technology makes use of protocols such as OpenFlow, which implements the software -defined networking. This demo explores what could happen if a router is misconfigured or the nodes with the controllers are compromised. How would such a compromise affect other routers? What would be the effects on the network as a whole?

List of equipment that will need AC connections (e.g. laptop, switch, monitor): 2 switches, 2 laptops, 2 PCs.

Total number of wired network connections (sum standard IP and VLAN connections): This will be an isolated network; all 6 pieces of equipment will require connection to this network.

Number of wired layer 2 VLANs (if any): 0 using GENI directly.

Number of wireless network connections (include required bandwidth if significant): As of now, 0

Number of static addresses needed (if any): 10 (all for the network)

Monitor (y/n, specify VGA or DVI): y, VGA.

Number of posters (max size poster boards are 30" x 40"): 2

Special requests: Include any specific network connectivity needs Isolated network as described above

#1082 fixed Healthcare Providers and/or Hospitals application demo


This application, targeted for use by Healthcare Providers and/or Hospitals, will enable secure and tiered access to resources over a network optimized for end-user experience that is: 1) Policy-based; 2) On-Demand; and 3) Access anytime, anywhere & any device.

In this demo we will employ Software-Defined Networking technology to show case:

  1. Policy-optimized Networks

1.1. Optimize network experience (speed, security, differentiated Quality-of-Service) based on user identity, location, application, and duration. 1.2. Provide role-based (Doctor, Guest) access to authorized resources. E.g. :Doctor can access Patient Health Information (PHI) records and Regular Internet and Guest can access Regular Internet only.

  1. Provision role-based (Doctor, Guest) virtual network slices on top of the same physical network. Demonstrate performance isolation between the slices where excessive traffic on “Guest” Network Slice will have no impact on the performance of the “Doctor” network slice.
  2. Automatically re-provision network as user switches from one application to another on his/her hand-held device. E.g: when a doctor transitions from accessing PHI records (low bandwidth requirements) to making a tele-health call (high bandwidth requirements) the the network reprovisions itself from a high hop-count low bandwidth path to a low hop-count high bandwidth path without any perceiviabe performance detorioration.
  3. Transfer network experience from location to location. E.g: a doctor making a tele-health call from his home will get the same network experience as he would from the hospital regardless of the network serivce-provider and the underlying physical network.

List of Equipments

We just need 2 power outlets. We will bring the power strips for all the equipment. We will create our own network so no wired or wired connection necessary.

1 Monitor

1 Number of posters

NOTE: I am not part of a project at GENI. I was referred to this by Glenn Ricart at US Ignite.

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