Custom Query (1408 matches)


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Results (85 - 87 of 1408)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#432 fixed Steve Schwab to determine if more info is needed from INSTOOLS for security review. Vic Thomas

Steve Schwab will let the GPO know if he has all the information he needs from the INSTOOLS project for his Spiral 2 security review. If additional information is needed, he will get it from from INSTOOLS project team.

#434 fixed Confirm Sparta has all inputs needed from BGP-MUX for Spriral 2 security review. Vic Thomas

BGP-MUX project has an outstanding milestone to provide input's to Sparta's Spiral 2 security review. This milestone cannot be completed until Sparta confirms they have the information they need from BGP-MUX for this review.

#550 wontfix Security review of GpENI project. Vic Thomas

Steve: Pl. let James and me know if you have all the information you need for a security review of the GpENI project. I will mark the milestone complete when I hear you have the information you need.

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