Custom Query (1408 matches)


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Results (76 - 78 of 1408)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#193 invalid MAX connection over I2 to ProtoGENI Josh Karlin

MAX and ProtoGENI are now connected. See wiring diagram attached to ticket #162. Chris, can you provide more information on the link?

Robert Ricci (ProtoGENI contact at Utah):

Thus spake Robert P Ricci on Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 12:42:43PM -0600: FYI, I'm still working with Chris Tracy on getting the connection to MAX working.

... and this is now working. It did seem to require unplugging and re-plugging the fiber patch.

#202 invalid No carrier on ProtoGENI HP switch port A19 at I2 SALT Josh Karlin

The A19 port of ProtoGENI's ProCurve switch at SALT does not get carrier. Rob Ricci believes that it's either to wire or something else that requires physical intervention. He is willing to go to the PoP. Or perhaps it can be taken care of the next time somebody else is there.

#222 invalid New Milestone macro for trac wiki Christopher Small

Can you extend MilestoneDate() to take a regex rather than a string, or add a new macro that takes a regex, and return all milestones that have matching names (with
between them)?


[ [ MilestonesMatching(GUSH: S2.*) ] ]

would return

GUSH: S2.a prototype 0.2 (Due 10/09/09) [ [ BR ] ]
GUSH: S2.b Course development (Due 12/30/09) [ [ BR ] ]
GUSH: S2.c Raven integration (Due 01/30/10) [ [ BR ] ]
GUSH: S2.d GUI 0.1 (Due 03/30/10) [ [ BR ] ]
GUSH: S2.e support two control frameworks (Due 07/30/10) [ [ BR ] ]
GUSH: S2.f spiral 2 id mgmt (Due 08/31/10) [ [ BR ] ]
GUSH: S2.g 0.3 release (Due 08/31/10)[ [ BR ] ]

It might be that the [ [ BR ] ] would have to be <br>, depending on how the macro processor works.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.