Custom Query (1408 matches)


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Results (73 - 75 of 1408)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#119 invalid milestone 1c2 completion
#121 invalid milestone 1d2 completion
#152 invalid 1outreach activites David Irwin

From 2Q09 QSR on 6/30/09:

We began our discussions with UPRM about integrating with their student radar testbed project. Jorge Trabal, the primary student working on the UPRM project, is located at UMass-Amherst for the summer. The testbed project at UPRM has the same origins as the ViSE testbed, and thus many of the components are the same. However, while ViSE is focused on the virtualization aspect of the testbed, the UPRM team is focused on improving the data provided by its radar. Thus, the two projects are complementary. We are discussing with Jorge the best way to leverage their improved radar data, as well as the potential for integration with ViSE in the future. We are planning a trip to UPRM in September to look at the site of their testbed and help setup point-to-point wireless links, in addition to our planned 3-day class in December or January.

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