Custom Query (1408 matches)


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Results (70 - 72 of 1408)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1014 fixed Change units on capacity in stitching extension Aaron Helsinger

The capacity field in the stitching extension uses different units than in the main body of the RSpec. Change the default units in the stitching extension to kbits. Additionally, accept explicit units - e.g. G, g, Gbps, gbps, M, m, Mbps, mbps, K, k, Kbps, kbps, B, b, bps

The make coordinated changes in the stitching service, ION AM, etc.

#1035 fixed Circuit status falls back from 'ready' into 'changing' in sliverstatus query

This occurs when there are multiple VLANs in single RSpec.

When multiple circuits are requested in a rspec, some may get into 'ready' while some other may fail. In this case, the AM will rollback and teardown the 'ready' ones and put them into 'CANNCELLED' status. As geni_status has no accommodation for that, it ends up into 'changing' status.

Attached is a patch to the SFA code to force this as 'failed' and give an error_message 'VLAN cancelled by rollback from contingent failure'.

Assign to Chad to update ION AM.

#1149 fixed Cisco poster at OSU-MU table

Cisco requested a poster for a joint project with OSU-MU. HPD double checking whether this overlaps with OSU-MU's one poster request or is a second poster. Requester is Tsegereda Beyene.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.