Custom Query (43 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Component Status Priority Milestone Version
#1330 ION/AL2S paths are missing VLANs STITCHING closed blocker SPIRAL6
#1140 oess geni_status remains in "configuring" state even after circuits are ready STITCHING closed critical SPIRAL6
#1289 AL2S OESS aggregate reports exception for stanford to missouri path STITCHING closed critical SPIRAL6
#1400 AL2S AM cannot handle disk_image elements with URL attributes STITCHING closed critical SPIRAL7
#1040 Shutdown of stitched slice fails with Internal Error at PG and IG aggregates STITCHING closed major SPIRAL5
#1041 Shutdown of stitched slice fails with non existing record at I2 aggregate STITCHING closed major SPIRAL5
#1043 Unable to renewsliver or get sliverstatus at internet2 aggregate for active slivers exchanging traffic STITCHING closed major SPIRAL5
#1049 Some errors should cause to exit STITCHING closed major SPIRAL5
#1050 SCS request RSpec option not implemented. STITCHING closed major SPIRAL5
#1056 AM URL unkown error reported due to SCS not including for the ION and MAX AMa in workflow STITCHING closed major SPIRAL5
#1085 Stitching slivers /etc/hosts entries incorrect for remote nodes STITCHING closed major SPIRAL5
#1086 Unable to exchange Iperf tcp data traffic between PG and IG nodes STITCHING closed major SPIRAL5
#1096 Stiching slice credentials file name prevents multiple concurrent operations STITCHING closed major SPIRAL5
#1097 Stitching request for two links between InstaGENI nodes fails while VLANs are available STITCHING closed major SPIRAL5
#1136 Links are listed twice in OESS Advertisement Rspecs STITCHING closed major SPIRAL6
#1137 OESS request Rspecs do not pass rspeclint due to schema location mismatch and schema syntax STITCHING closed major SPIRAL6
#1138 OESS aggregate getversion does not return meaningful FOAM version STITCHING closed major SPIRAL6
#1141 Submitting a sliver request that fail does not generate any user-visible errors STITCHING closed major SPIRAL6
#1142 OESS aggregate does not expire slivers STITCHING closed major SPIRAL6
#1153 Request for 3 node linear stitched sliver results in "no edge hop" error at Utah IG STITCHING closed major SPIRAL6
#1154 Missing Site VLAN Delegation information STITCHING closed major SPIRAL6
#1159 Renewing stitched sliver with ION in path may result in OSCARS path modificaiton failure STITCHING closed major SPIRAL6
#1195 Delete of sliver whose circuit on longer exists in MAX causes subsequent circuits to not complete STITCHING closed major SPIRAL6
#1199 ION aggregate project name of a certain lenght that include hypens will fail STITCHING closed major SPIRAL6
#1205 Unknown internal failure reported by ION aggregate for complex topology STITCHING closed major SPIRAL6
#1209 Mismatch in getversion code_tag and for ION and MAX aggregates STITCHING closed major SPIRAL6
#1262 ION aggregate should support sitching request for `any` VLAN STITCHING closed major SPIRAL6
#1273 AL2S OESS aggregate does not support multiple links STITCHING closed major SPIRAL6
#1274 AL2S OESS aggregate createsliver request fails with Unable to find path error STITCHING closed major SPIRAL6
#1275 Sliver operations do not generate OESS circuit notification for longer project name STITCHING closed major SPIRAL6
#1279 AL2S OESS aggregate does not include 'expires' in manifest rspec element STITCHING closed major SPIRAL6
#1284 Speaks for broken at MAX and I2AM STITCHING closed major SPIRAL6
#1331 OESS advertisement missing stitching information for New York and Salt Lake STITCHING closed major SPIRAL6
#1345 ION looses circuit status information over time STITCHING closed major SPIRAL7
#1347 ION allocates VLAN not in requested range STITCHING closed major SPIRAL7
#1349 SCS ignores excludeHops on one path when there are multiple paths STITCHING closed major SPIRAL7
#1350 Deleting slivers at OESS aggregate causes Gateway Time-out failure STITCHING closed major SPIRAL7
#1351 SCS: 2 hop path has no dependencies STITCHING closed major SPIRAL7
#1353 Unknown path reported for complex 9 site topology STITCHING closed major SPIRAL7
#1358 I2 SCS does not recognize GPO endpoint STITCHING closed major SPIRAL7
#1037 Advertisement rspec for PG and IG does not pass rspeclint STITCHING closed minor SPIRAL5
#1046 duplicates output and clutters the already wordy output STITCHING closed minor SPIRAL5
#1285 AL2S OESS aggregate version unchanged after update STITCHING closed minor SPIRAL6
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.