Custom Query (30 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Priority Milestone Component Version
#1405 SCS is ignoring link type egre reopened critical STITCHING SPIRAL7
#1039 Stitching slivers with Utah InstaGENI end point requires that capacity must be specified for link new major STITCHING SPIRAL5
#1044 Duplicate IP addresses configured in Utah PG to InstaGENI Utah sliver with multiple links new major STITCHING SPIRAL5
#1048 Requesting link below minimumReservableCapacity does not generate error and allocates default new major STITCHING SPIRAL5
#1101 stitching raw-pc at PG or IG requires capacity to be defined unlike xen and openvz, which do not new major STITCHING SPIRAL5
#1139 OESS notifications should include id user for provisioned and decommissioned operations new major STITCHING SPIRAL6
#1156 Unable to stitch multiple link from GPO ExoGENI rack new major STITCHING SPIRAL6
#1157 stitching aggregate url has myplc aggregate_url new major STITCHING SPIRAL6
#1163 SCS exception for lines topology new major STITCHING SPIRAL6
#1197 MAX and ION aggregates report Internal API error for out-of-sync credentials sometimes new major STITCHING SPIRAL6
#1263 AL2S OESS aggregate should support sitching request for `any` VLAN new major STITCHING SPIRAL6
#1276 AL2S OESS aggregate request for specific link capacity is ignored new major STITCHING SPIRAL6
#1277 AL2S OESS aggregate request for link client_id is ignored new major STITCHING SPIRAL6
#1278 AL2S OESS getversion does not return geni_am_type, geni_am_urn, and supported extensions reopened major STITCHING SPIRAL6
#1280 AL2S OESS aggregate does not handle the listresources "--available" option new major STITCHING SPIRAL6
#1281 Some excludehop combinations can crash SCS new major STITCHING SPIRAL6
#1282 PG/IG aggregates ignore the stitching availVLANRange if the suggested is 'any' new major STITCHING SPIRAL6
#1294 AL2S OESS aggregate reports wrong sliver_urn in sliverstatus output new major STITCHING SPIRAL6
#1295 AL2S OESS manifest does not include any slivers. new major STITCHING SPIRAL6
#1346 MAX and ION aggregates do not deletesliver even though success is returned for deletesliver accepted major STITCHING SPIRAL7
#1354 SCS checks for capacity return the same error as unknown paths. new major STITCHING SPIRAL7
#1355 SCS hang with timed out threads when a request is submitted with large number of nodes accepted major STITCHING SPIRAL7
#1356 Deleting a failed slivers at ION does not clean up circuits that had successed new major STITCHING SPIRAL7
#1357 SCS does not suggest the same VLAN tag for cross-connect hops that connect AL2S to ION accepted major STITCHING SPIRAL7
#1456 SCS mxtce daemon memory leak accepted major STITCHING SPIRAL7
#1457 AL2S aggregate does not return updated expiration date for listresources command new major STITCHING SPIRAL7
#1038 Manifest rspec for PG and IG does not pass rspeclint new minor STITCHING SPIRAL5
#1283 AL2S OESS aggregate does not support "Speaks for" new minor STITCHING SPIRAL6
#1344 AL2S OESS aggregate reports exception for unsupported feature new minor STITCHING SPIRAL7
#1453 AL2S and FOAM AMs are sensitive to case of RSpec type assigned minor STITCHING SPIRAL7
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.