Custom Query (5 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Priority Milestone Component
#678 Milestone S2.f completion new Vic Thomas major LAMP: S2.f V1.1 of perfSONAR on ProtoGENI - LAMP
#677 Milestone S2.e completion new Vic Thomas major LAMP: S2.e V1.0 of perfSONAR on ProtoGENI - LAMP
#679 Milestone S2.g completion new Vic Thomas major LAMP: S2.g Demonstration of perfSONAR on ProtoGENI LAMP
#676 Milestone S2.c completion new Vic Thomas major LAMP: S2.c Updated prospectus - LAMP
#675 Milestone S2.a completion new Vic Thomas major LAMP: S2.a Requirements and design doc - LAMP
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