Custom Query (11 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Priority Milestone Component Version
#1266 Move MOXI CIC network aggregate to production status accepted major GPO SPIRAL6
#1342 Move University of Kansas InstaGENI rack to production assigned major GPO SPIRAL7
#1416 Move MOXI InstaGENI rack to production accepted major GPO SPIRAL7
#1417 Move Stanford InstaGENI rack to production accepted major GPO SPIRAL7
#1418 Move University of Kentucky InstaGENI rack to production accepted major GPO SPIRAL7
#1419 Move CENIC InstaGENI rack to production accepted major GPO SPIRAL7
#1420 Move U Chicago InstaGENI rack to production accepted major GPO SPIRAL7
#1421 Move Clemson OpenGENI rack to production accepted major GPO SPIRAL7
#1422 Move GPO OpenGENI rack to production accepted major GPO SPIRAL7
#1498 Move U of Kentucky MCV IG rack to production assigned major GPO SPIRAL8
#1500 Add AWS servers for new clearinghouse and portal to MX records for assigned major GPO SPIRAL8
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.