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Results (127 - 129 of 1408)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#124 fixed ProtoGENI control plane integration status

It is possible to allocate emulator and homenet nodes using ProtoGENI node support. Right now this is not enabled for any homenet nodes because of policy/legal issues, although I will make available my development box in my office for this purpose shortly. I will enable wireless node support shortly as well.

Right now there is no control mechanism to setup external networking for these nodes, although it can be done manually. I have a solution for this that I need to integrate into emulab, with Utah's help.

In sum, the work for this is done, it needs enabling and testing, and it's less automated than it will be eventually, although I believe that automation falls outside the scope of this ticket.

#125 somebody fixed Dataplane tunnelling 4a

Task 4a requires Internet2, which we have not heard anything about.

#126 somebody fixed Dataplane tunnelling 4b

Tunneling packets from CMU to Utah - We have a solution for this which is used and tested - OpenVPN is capable of doing this level of tunnelling and we have had experiments that used it for this level of tunnelling, meeting the "Note this is ONLY the data-plane tunneling mechanisms, NOT the control mechanisms needed to establish it." qualifier for this submilestone. I believe this submilestone is thus done (if I understand it correctly).

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