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Results (82 - 84 of 1408)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#78 invalid Temporary tunnels in use for CMU lab

Hello, I am writing to update you about the status of our ticket: "Milestone CMU Lab: Get CMU ProtoGENI node on I2 VLAN" at Lab%3A Get CMU ProtoGENI node on I2 VLAN

Right now we have the ability to run experiments, using a temporary and only partially automated solution, that share packets between the main Emulab cluster and the wireless testbeds. We are working on a more permanent solution - our testbed nodes do not have public IP addresses, and we are working with Utah on setting up appropriate tunnelling automatically. We have run experiments using my temporary solution already that span the testbeds.

We already have working layer-3 tunnels between homenet nodes and the CMU control nodes (and have had this for some time). I am working on improving this mechanism to allow normal emulab topology to work, but we do have a shared data/control plane sufficient for running experiments.

#79 Vic Thomas fixed Post updated draft of Measurement Document

Paul Barford to post updated Measurement System document and solicit comments.

Document recd. from Mark Corvella on 5/12/09. Vic to post document on wiki.

#80 Vic Thomas fixed Propose date for 2nd draft of measurement system design document

Paul Barford to provide a date when his team will have a 2nd draft of the measurement system design document. A new milestone will be created when PB provides this date.

3/31: Plan for PB's milestones agreed to by Henry on 3/31. 4/13: PB agrees to plan. WIll provide date for new milestone by 4/27.

Related ticket: #79

Paul Barford proposed Oct. 1 date for new milestone (rev. 2 of measurement system spec).

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