Custom Query (1408 matches)


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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#129 fixed ProtoGENI demo at GEC#5

ProtoGENI will be giving a demo at GEC5. We wil need:

  • Table space for 1 laptop. The box you obtained for elevating the laptop at GEC4 was extremely helpful. Something like that would be helpful again (but is not required)
  • 1 power outlet
  • 1 Internet connection (wired preferred, but not required). High bandwidth not required, but a stable IP address is
  • Ethernet cable for Internet, if using a wired connection
  • Projector with with screen
  • DVI or VGA Cable to connect laptop to projector
  • Space to display one standard-sized poster, portrait orientation, preferably within reach of the laptop table space (to make it easy to refer to things on the poster)
#171 fixed Create WIKI pages for Shared resources

Create a location on the GENI Wiki to allow for documentation of stared resources such as the port and IP allocation of the Internet2 connected ProtoGENI switches

#222 Christopher Small invalid New Milestone macro for trac wiki

Can you extend MilestoneDate() to take a regex rather than a string, or add a new macro that takes a regex, and return all milestones that have matching names (with
between them)?


[ [ MilestonesMatching(GUSH: S2.*) ] ]

would return

GUSH: S2.a prototype 0.2 (Due 10/09/09) [ [ BR ] ]
GUSH: S2.b Course development (Due 12/30/09) [ [ BR ] ]
GUSH: S2.c Raven integration (Due 01/30/10) [ [ BR ] ]
GUSH: S2.d GUI 0.1 (Due 03/30/10) [ [ BR ] ]
GUSH: S2.e support two control frameworks (Due 07/30/10) [ [ BR ] ]
GUSH: S2.f spiral 2 id mgmt (Due 08/31/10) [ [ BR ] ]
GUSH: S2.g 0.3 release (Due 08/31/10)[ [ BR ] ]

It might be that the [ [ BR ] ] would have to be <br>, depending on how the macro processor works.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
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