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Results (85 - 87 of 1408)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#54 fixed Gush demo

I plan to show a demo of the functionality of Gush on PlanetLab.

#55 fixed DTunnels Demo

This project includes following two main software components

  1. TCS (Topology creation scripts):

These scripts will accept XML files describing virtual network configuration and create these virtual networks over shared substrate. We will use OpenVZ kernel to create the virtual nodes and Ethernet-over GRE (a custom GRE module) to connect these virtual nodes.

  1. BGP Multiplexer:

Virtual networks created as above will talk to BGP multiplexer over EGRE tunnels and get BGP updates from the Internet. This BGP multiplexer will be implemented using Quagga software router.

Demo will display the ability to create virtual network as per the given topology and instantaneous BGP updates in the virtual network that are recieved from the BGP Mux.

Our demo requires 4 machines, with roughly the following configuration

  1. aprox 100GB harddisk.
  2. 2GB RAM.
  3. a decent processor.
  4. 2 gigabit ethernet interfaces

One interface of all the four machines should be connected to each other over a gigabit switch forming a switched LAN. Second interface of these machines should have static IP address.

Collaborating with ProtoGENI.

Apart from this, we will require a decent (~17" or more) monitor to show our experiment running.

#56 Ivan Seskar fixed ORBIT GEC4 Demo

We will present an extension of ORBIT Management Framework to support mobile experiments including the ability to do temporary caching of collected measurement on disconnected nodes, and automatic data retrieval upon reconnection. We will be running the remote demo on ORBIT and thus need:

  • table space
  • network connectivity
  • poster easel
  • (optional) large LCD or projector with the screen
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