Custom Query (1408 matches)


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Results (76 - 78 of 1408)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#44 fixed Deliver final draft of Security document.

Deliver final draft of Security document (followup to first draft delivery).

#45 fixed GEC4 Demonstration Plans for Washington University SPP Node

We will remotely demonstrate an SPP Node. We will use two laptops, one for showing slides describing the demonstration and the second for doing the demonstration. We will also be using two projectors, one for each laptop. So we will need the following:

  1. Power for two laptops and two projectors.
  2. Wired network connections for two laptops.
  3. Two projection screens or suitable wall space for projecting.
  4. Table space. Maybe about 6 feet long.

We do NOT expect to consume very much network bandwidth.

#46 fixed Kansei DEMO

The KanseiGenie team led by Prof. Arora at Ohio State University is going to present a demo showcasing a Genified Kansei testbed. A modular redesign has been undertaken to morph the Kansei to fit into the four control layers of GENI. Interactions between the researcher and the testbed is Genified and take advantage of web service calls. We will also present a research portal which great improve user experience from creating a slice, scheduling an experiment to finally retrieving experiment results. In the demo, a research will schedule an experiment through the researcher portal for an wireless link quality measurement experiment. The researcher portal will help the researcher to initiate, deploy and conduct the experiment on the Kansei testbed. Upon finish, the researcher retrieve her results through the researcher portal.

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