Milestone OFUWA: S4.b Upgrade and integrate OpenFlow and GENI aggregate software and firmware
Completed 12 years ago (08/22/12 00:00:00)
Upgrade and integrate OpenFlow and GENI aggregate software and firmware into deployed campus environments to take advantage of bug fixes and new features included in quarterly GENI releases. Software releases may be made more frequently if necessary to address serious bugs, and campuses should be prepared to deploy additional releases if needed. As of 09/2011, the GENI OpenFlow software list includes FlowVisor, NOX and any other Stanford-recommended controllers, Indigo, FOAM, Expedient, Opt-In Manager, OMNI, GMOC monitoring, and OpenVSwitch software, as well as OpenFlow switch firmware. Expected GENI OpenFlow integration areas for Spiral 4 include GENI racks, GENI clearinghouse, federation, authorization, identity, RSPECs and stitching