Milestone MAX: S2.j Common Control Framework Implementation

Completed 14 years ago (03/31/10 16:40:36)

Develop an initial common framework implementation sufficient for interoperability testing. Conduct interoperability testing with other GENI Facilities to evaluate ability for multiple GENI facilities to interoperate.

Status: We have implemented our standard and open web service Aggregate Manager Interface as described in milestone MAX.S2.i. This is the basis of common control framework implementation. If official GENI common API, schema, and message formats are developed, we will modify our current service interface definition to match this. The current GENI specifications define a set of capabilities but not necessarily specific message formats. The vision and plans from Fall 2009 for a single common API that all GENI Aggregates would implement to was changed. The current vision is for each aggregate to implement their own common control API and then develop individual mechanisms to allow interoperation thru translation mechanisms and/or slice manager intelligence. Since there was not a common API that everyone implemented to, there was no way to complete interoperability testing between independent implementations of the same API, as was originally envisioned in the "Conduct interoperability testing with other GENI Facilities to evaluate ability for multiple GENI facilities to interoperate" above. Therefore, we developed a reference client api ( which is available in our software distribution for others to use to interoperate and test with the MAX-GENI API. This allowed verification that the control framework interface is working which was the intent of this task. The functional interoperation between different Aggregate Manager (now using different control frameworks) will be accomplished as part of Quarter 3 milestones MAX.S3.p,q,r, as orginally planned.

Note: See TracRoadmap for help on using the roadmap.