8 years |
lnevers |
Adding file for stitching tests for UMich and Northwestern
8 years |
lnevers |
rename to match wiki naming
8 years |
lnevers |
adding rspecs used in confiramtion testing
9 years |
lnevers |
adding rspecs used for stitching confirmation tests
9 years |
nriga |
Files for automated tutorial testing
9 years |
lnevers |
Adding Stitching RSpecs for Utah CloudLab
9 years |
lnevers |
add Utah CloudLab Rspec for the only confirmation test that could be …
9 years |
lnevers |
removed an openvz rspec and added one example for eg-bare-ig-raw
9 years |
lnevers |
RSpecs used in stitching confirmation tests for UMKC
9 years |
lnevers |
Rspecs used in stitching confirmation tests for UKY IG
9 years |
lnevers |
replaced all examples including openvz
10 years |
lnevers |
RSpecs using in stitching confirmation tests
10 years |
lnevers |
rspecs used in stitching confirmation tests
10 years |
lnevers |
Stitching test Rspecs for University of Washinton
10 years |
lnevers |
RSpecs used in stitching confirmation tests
10 years |
lnevers |
RSpecs used in stitching confirmation testing
10 years |
lnevers |
addding RSpecs used in New Site Confirmation tests
10 years |
lnevers |
adding RSpecs using in Site Stitching confirmation tests
10 years |
lnevers |
adding Rspecs used in New Site Confirmation Tests
10 years |
lnevers |
Stitching confirmation test rspecs
10 years |
lnevers |
adding stitching rspec for CENIC
10 years |
lnevers |
more examples
10 years |
lnevers |
another rspec used in acceptance
10 years |
lnevers |
Synching up RSpecs used for Cisco acceptance testing.
10 years |
lnevers |
updating internet2 OF example to include the correction CENIC port
10 years |
lnevers |
Updating all experimenter example to show the new port 23 for GPO... …
10 years |
lnevers |
replacing dip to use the one for VLAN 3742 0e:9e:84:34:97:c6:c9:00
10 years |
lnevers |
Cisco GENI Racks OpenFlow Rspecs
10 years |
lnevers |
Adding Rutgers RSpecs used in validating the AL2S interface.
10 years |
lnevers |
files used to 100VM - 10 slices limits scenario for Cisco Rack NCSU …
10 years |
lnevers |
cisco limits testing rspecs
10 years |
lnevers |
Adding rspecs used in initial acceptance for Cisco GENI rack at NCSU
10 years |
lnevers |
adding directories to capture rspecs used for CiscoGENI initial evalutaion
10 years |
lnevers |
Rspecs used in new site confirmation tests.
10 years |
lnevers |
RSpec used in stitching confirmation tests for UCLA and Kansas
10 years |
lnevers |
RSpecs used in Stitching Confirmation Testing for NPS
10 years |
lnevers |
changed incorrect IP for one site
10 years |
lnevers |
changed one of the sites in the test case
10 years |
lnevers |
RSpecs used in New Site Confirmation Tests for Colorado
10 years |
lnevers |
file not used in testing, removing
10 years |
lnevers |
RSpecs used for New Site Confirmation tests
10 years |
lnevers |
New Site Confirmation tests rspec for Clemson OG
10 years |
lnevers |
Rspecs used for confirmation testing
10 years |
lnevers |
adding rspec used for the 10 cross-connects tests
10 years |
lnevers |
more rspec that I am trying to use for OESS tests
10 years |
lnevers |
modified RSPec to use Xen and 100000 capacity
10 years |
lnevers |
two more rspec for OESS testing
10 years |
lnevers |
RSpecs I plan to use to validate AL2S/OESS... someday when missouri …
10 years |
lnevers |
RSpecs used in confirmation testing
10 years |
lnevers |
RSpecs used for confirmation tests.
10 years |
lnevers |
cleaning up path error
10 years |
lnevers |
GPO OG New Site Confirmation tests rspecs
10 years |
lnevers |
Stitching tests rspecs for GPO-OG
10 years |
lnevers |
Rspecs used for stitching confirmation tests
10 years |
lnevers |
RSpecs used in Confirmation Testing
10 years |
lnevers |
rspecs used in confirmarion testing of Ohio Metro Data Center
10 years |
lnevers |
rspecs used in confirmation testing of NPS
10 years |
lnevers |
rspecs used in confirmation testing of UCLA
10 years |
lnevers |
missed final version used for testing
10 years |
lnevers |
New Site Confiramtion test RSpecs for Rutgers
10 years |
lnevers |
RSpec used for Rutgers Stitching confirmation tests
10 years |
lnevers |
adding rspec files used in UFL confirmation tests
10 years |
lnevers |
Rspecs used for OSF and SL confirmation tests
10 years |
lnevers |
adding example that combines stitching and GRE tunnel
10 years |
lnevers |
fixed error in component manager
10 years |
lnevers |
adding gre stitching example
10 years |
lnevers |
adding rspecs used fo NPS confirmation testing
10 years |
lnevers |
renaming test file to use OG
10 years |
lnevers |
renaming test file to use OG
10 years |
lnevers |
Renamed the GRAM Rspecs Examples to use OpenGENI.
10 years |
lnevers |
Adding GRAM RSpecs Examples to be referenced by Aggregate page and …
11 years |
lnevers |
fix ip addr error
11 years |
lnevers |
adding Stanford stitching confirmation RSpecs.
11 years |
lnevers |
Updating all Stitching RSpec examples to use 20 Mbitsec
11 years |
lnevers |
modified group name to reflect the rack that it is used in
11 years |
lnevers |
Rspecs used for Cornell New Site Confirmation testing
11 years |
lnevers |
updating to latest
11 years |
lnevers |
Stiching Confirmation tests RSpecs for Illinois
11 years |
lnevers |
Stanford New Site Confirmation Tests RSpecs
11 years |
lnevers |
Stitching confirmation test rspecs.
11 years |
lnevers |
adding stitch-ig-gpo-ig-missouri.rspec which was missed yesterday
11 years |
lnevers |
adding stitch-ig-gpo-ig-nysernet.rspec which was missed yesterday
11 years |
lnevers |
cleaning up old version
11 years |
lnevers |
misc topologies to refenrce for wiki examples
11 years |
lnevers |
adding new examples for newer sites
11 years |
lnevers |
adding latest version of rspec
11 years |
lnevers |
updating exogeni files used as examples for experimenters
11 years |
lnevers |
fixed typo
11 years |
lnevers |
removed capacity from definition for the run used in capturing IG-ST-1 …
11 years |
lnevers |
adding rspecs used for stitching confirmation tests
11 years |
lnevers |
RSpecs used in New Site Confirmation tests at University of Kansas
11 years |
lnevers |
removed unsupported topology
11 years |
lnevers |
Rspecs used for SoX new site confirmation tests
11 years |
lnevers |
rspecs used for Wisconsin confirmation testing
11 years |
lnevers |
interface changes to match Ad
11 years |
lnevers |
Adding files used to test all ION to AL2S cross-connect
11 years |
lnevers |
Renamed VLAN names to match 1751, to avoid confusion
11 years |
lnevers |
adding rspecs used for new site confirmation tests for University of …
11 years |
lnevers |
removing no longer supported MAX MyPLC example
11 years |
lnevers |
Updating stitching configurations tested to be used as references by …