This directory contains the request RSpecs used for the three experiments described in EG-EXP-6. Experiment1/User lnevers: (EG-EXP-6-exp1-*) - 1 VM w/shared VLAN at BBN - 1 VM w/shared VLAN at RENCI - SubNet used - OpenFlow Controller on port 33017 Experiment2/User lnevers1: (EG-EXP-6-exp2-*) - 2 VM w/shared VLAN at BBN (See note 1) - 2 VM w/shared VLAN at RENCI - SubNet used - OpenFlow Controller on port 33018 Experiment3/User lnevers2: (EG-EXP-6-exp3-*) - 1 PG GPO MESO - 1 WAPG - 1 VM w/shared VLAN at BBN - SubNet used - OpenFlow Controller is on port 33020 Note 1: Test case was originally written to include one bare metal node. The bare metal nodes are only available via ExoSM, which brings up the following options: a. Replace the BBN SM reservation with a reservation via the ExoSM, but this will cause the next step to fail. The RENCI SM reservation will report that a sliver by that name already exists, due to the ExoSM request. To get around this problem, one option is to replace the bare metal node with a VM, so that the requests could be submitted as expected to each of the local SMs. b. Replace the BBN SM reservation with a reservation via the ExoSM, but create a new slice and sliver name for the RCI portion. So the BBN resources are reserved via the ExoSM, and the RENCI resources are reserved via the local RENCI SM. Option a was chosen for this test.