1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 | <xsd:schema targetNamespace="http://www.geni.net/namespaces/2012/07/mdod"
3 | xmlns:mdod="http://www.geni.net/namespaces/2012/07/mdod"
4 | xmlns:doi="http://www.doi.org/2010/DOISchema"
5 | xmlns:opm="http://openprovenance.org/model/v1.1.a"
6 | xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
7 | xml:lang="en"
8 | elementFormDefault="qualified"
9 | attributeFormDefault="unqualified" >
10 |
11 | <xsd:annotation>
12 | <xsd:documentation>
13 | This draft of an MDOD is an interpretation based
14 | on the initial draft MDOD presented by Harry Mussmann
15 | at GEC11 plus suggested modifications by IU.
16 |
17 | This draft version has also been influenced by comments
18 | on the MDOD from the Instrumentation and Measurement
19 | group at GEC11, draft MDODs by Jason Zurawski, and
20 | documentation from the IF-MAP group.
21 |
22 | Version 0.2 of this schema has also been influenced by
23 | discussions at GEC13 with the Instrumentation and Measurement
24 | group, well as general feedback and summary of MDOD
25 | status and issues by Giridhar Manepalli (CNRI) at GEC13, and
26 | the NetKarma provenance repository and schema.
27 |
28 | author: Scott Jensen, Indiana University
29 | </xsd:documentation>
30 | </xsd:annotation>
31 |
32 | <xsd:import namespace="http://www.doi.org/2010/DOISchema" schemaLocation="DOIMetadataKernel_v2.0_120308.xsd"/>
33 | <xsd:import namespace="http://openprovenance.org/model/v1.1.a" schemaLocation="opm.1_1.xsd"/>
34 |
35 | <xsd:element name="mdoDescriptor" type="mdod:mdoDescriptorType"/>
36 |
37 | <xsd:complexType name="mdoDescriptorType">
38 | <xsd:annotation>
39 | <xsd:documentation>
40 | Should the MDOD be a single measuremet stream (e.g., from a single MP),
41 | a collection of measurements, or measurements plus derived products
42 | such as analysis or presentations prepared based on transformations of
43 | the measurement data. Initial drafts of the MDOD described as all of the
44 | measurements for an experiment.
45 |
46 | This draft assumes that the MDOD is a collection of measurements,
47 | provenance, and derived products or transformations of the measurement data,
48 | that describe an experiment or related set of experiments. There could
49 | be multiple data objects in the MDOD that are derived from
50 | subsets of the measurement data where some subsets overlap, but the
51 | relationships between data objects are not strictly a tree (i.e., an MDO
52 | could have multiple results derived from it within the MDOD).
53 |
54 | This schema currently has 5 top-level elements, but only minimal identification is required:
55 | identification: This is the identification for the MDOD as a collection.
56 | provenance: This is an OPM provenance graph - such as the graph
57 | generated by NetKarma for an experiment. For an aggregate
58 | this can represent how the MDOD itself is created.
59 | security: optional element for setting policies. Can also be set
60 | at the underlying dataDescriptors or inheritied there from
61 | the MDOD level.
62 | dataDescriptor: There would be a seperate instance of this element for
63 | each MDO or derived data product described within the MDOD.
64 | mdodReference: An MDOD could include other MDODs by reference either
65 | locally or based on a URL.
66 | </xsd:documentation>
67 | </xsd:annotation>
68 | <xsd:sequence>
69 | <xsd:element name="identification" type="mdod:identificationType"/>
70 | <xsd:element name="provenance" type="mdod:provenanceType" minOccurs="0"/>
71 | <xsd:element name="security" type="mdod:securityType" minOccurs="0"/>
72 | <xsd:element name="dataDescriptor" type="mdod:dataDescriptorType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
73 | <xsd:element name="mdodReference" type="mdod:mdodReferenceType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
74 | </xsd:sequence>
75 | <xsd:attribute name="lastUpdated" type="xsd:dateTime" use="required"/>
76 | </xsd:complexType>
77 |
78 |
79 | <xsd:complexType name="identificationType">
80 | <xsd:annotation>
81 | <xsd:documentation>
82 | When an MDOD represents a bundle that is archived and shared
83 | it would be assigned a DOI identifier. Otherwise it can
84 | have an internal ID.
85 |
86 | For an internal ID, the format could be required to be consistent
87 | with the draft at GEC11 where an ID follows the format:
88 | domain:subdomain+object_type+object_name
89 | </xsd:documentation>
90 | </xsd:annotation>
91 | <xsd:sequence>
92 | <xsd:choice>
93 | <xsd:element name="doi" type="doi:doiName"/>
94 | <xsd:element name="mdodId" type="xsd:string"/>
95 | </xsd:choice>
96 | <xsd:element name="owner" type="mdod:geniContactType"/>
97 | <xsd:element name="projectId" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0"/>
98 | <xsd:element name="experimentId" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0"/>
99 | <xsd:element name="runId" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0"/>
100 | <xsd:element name="title" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0"/>
101 | <xsd:element name="abstract" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0"/>
102 | <xsd:element name="subject" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0"/>
103 | <xsd:element ref="mdod:keywordset" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
104 | </xsd:sequence>
105 | </xsd:complexType>
106 |
107 |
108 | <xsd:element name="keywordset" type="mdod:keywordsetType"/>
109 |
110 | <xsd:complexType name="keywordsetType">
111 | <xsd:sequence>
112 | <xsd:element name="source" type="xsd:string"/>
113 | <xsd:element name="keyword" type="xsd:string" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
114 | </xsd:sequence>
115 | </xsd:complexType>
116 |
117 |
118 | <xsd:complexType name="provenanceType">
119 | <xsd:sequence>
120 | <xsd:element ref="opm:opmGraph"/>
121 | </xsd:sequence>
122 | <xsd:attribute name="workflowId" type="xsd:string" use="optional"/>
123 | </xsd:complexType>
124 |
125 |
126 | <xsd:complexType name="dataDescriptorType">
127 | <xsd:annotation>
128 | <xsd:documentation>
129 | The dataDescriptor is for measurement or other data objects
130 | local to the MDOD that are not stored or accessible from their
131 | own MDOD. The data descriptor could represent data stored in
132 | another location.
133 | The dataDescriptor maps to the descriptor in the draft MDOD version 0.2.1
134 | All of the content of the descriptorSecurity element is optional.
135 | Should there instead be only nested MDODs?
136 | </xsd:documentation>
137 | </xsd:annotation>
138 | <xsd:sequence>
139 | <xsd:element name="descriptorIdentification" type="mdod:descriptorIdentificationType"/>
140 | <xsd:element name="descriptorSecurity" type="mdod:securityType"/>
141 | <xsd:element name="dataDescription" type="mdod:dataDescriptionType"/>
142 | </xsd:sequence>
143 | </xsd:complexType>
144 |
145 |
146 | <xsd:complexType name="descriptorIdentificationType">
147 | <xsd:annotation>
148 | <xsd:documentation>
149 | Both the MDOD itself and the descriptor have identification elements. The
150 | identification section within the data descriptor would pertain to a single
151 | data object whereas the MDOD identification section relates to the MDOD as a
152 | whole, which can represent a set of measurements and derived data products.
153 |
154 | Since the dataDescriptor's identification should be populated automatically
155 | if possible (users do not enter metadata), the abstract and subject are moved
156 | to the MDOD level and eliminated here.
157 | </xsd:documentation>
158 | </xsd:annotation>
159 | <xsd:sequence>
160 | <xsd:element ref="mdod:locator" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
161 | <xsd:element name="title" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0"/>
162 | <!-- Do we need an abstract or subject within each descriptor? -->
163 | <!-- These are included at the MDOD level, and require human -->
164 | <!-- input - so they cannot be automated. -->
165 | <!-- xsd:element name="abstract" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0"/ -->
166 | <!-- xsd:element name="subject" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0"/ -->
167 | <xsd:element ref="mdod:keywordset" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
168 | <xsd:element name="objectType" type="mdod:sourcedStringType"/>
169 | <xsd:element name="dataCollectionGeographicLocation" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0"/>
170 | <xsd:choice minOccurs="0">
171 | <xsd:element ref="mdod:dataCollectionTimeRange"/>
172 | <xsd:element name="datacollectionTime" type="xsd:dateTime" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
173 | </xsd:choice>
174 | <!-- Since the descriptor is local to the bundle, project, experiment and run ID -->
175 | <!-- were moved up to the MDOD identification level. -->
176 | <xsd:element name="sliceId" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0"/>
177 | </xsd:sequence>
178 | </xsd:complexType>
179 |
180 | <xsd:element name="locator" type="mdod:locatorType"/>
181 |
182 | <xsd:complexType name="locatorType">
183 | <xsd:annotation>
184 | <xsd:documentation>
185 | The original MDOD had the type and value separate with path, url,
186 | and other as the types and text for the value. Here they are a
187 | choice and type is indicated by which element is used.
188 |
189 | Contact was made optional. If the data being described is local,
190 | the contact could be redundant.
191 |
192 | Is the scope necessary? a path would be local, and any other value
193 | would be external?
194 |
195 | Are locators other than paths or URLs needed?
196 | </xsd:documentation>
197 | </xsd:annotation>
198 | <xsd:sequence>
199 | <xsd:element name="scope" type="mdod:locatorScopeType"/>
200 | <xsd:choice>
201 | <xsd:element name="locatorPath" type="xsd:string"/>
202 | <xsd:element name="locatorUrl" type="xsd:anyURI"/>
203 | <xsd:element name="locatorOther" type="xsd:string"/>
204 | </xsd:choice>
205 | <xsd:element name="accessMethod" type="xsd:string"/>
206 | <xsd:element name="contact" type="mdod:geniContactType" minOccurs="0"/>
207 | </xsd:sequence>
208 | </xsd:complexType>
209 |
210 | <xsd:simpleType name="locatorScopeType">
211 | <xsd:annotation>
212 | <xsd:documentation>
213 | The original MDOD schema had three options for the scope of the locator:
214 | global, per_association, and within_holder. Are these needed? If path
215 | based it's local and if URL based it would be global. Is there a need
216 | for other alternatives such as association?
217 | </xsd:documentation>
218 | </xsd:annotation>
219 | <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
220 | <xsd:enumeration value="GLOBAL"/>
221 | <xsd:enumeration value="ASSOCIATION"/>
222 | <xsd:enumeration value="LOCAL"/>
223 | </xsd:restriction>
224 | </xsd:simpleType>
225 |
226 | <xsd:element name="dataCollectionTimeRange" type="mdod:dataCollectionTimeRangeType"/>
227 |
228 | <xsd:complexType name="dataCollectionTimeRangeType">
229 | <xsd:sequence>
230 | <xsd:element name="startTime" type="xsd:dateTime"/>
231 | <xsd:element name="endTime" type="xsd:dateTime" minOccurs="0"/>
232 | <xsd:element name="frequency" type="mdod:measuredIntType" minOccurs="0"/>
233 | </xsd:sequence>
234 | </xsd:complexType>
235 |
236 |
237 | <xsd:complexType name="securityType">
238 | <xsd:annotation>
239 | <xsd:documentation>
240 | In this draft the policy and method elements are sourced strings. This
241 | approach would accomodate standardized policies within GENI that could be
242 | specified based on a controlled vocabulary, but the ability to express
243 | more complex policies may be desirable.
244 | </xsd:documentation>
245 | </xsd:annotation>
246 | <xsd:sequence>
247 | <xsd:element name="dataCollectionPolicy" type="mdod:sourcedStringType" minOccurs="0"/>
248 | <xsd:element name="encryptionMethod" type="mdod:sourcedStringType" minOccurs="0"/>
249 | <xsd:element name="anonymizationMethod" type="mdod:geniPolicyType" minOccurs="0"/>
250 | <xsd:element name="sharingMethod" type="mdod:geniPolicyType" minOccurs="0"/>
251 | <xsd:element name="disposalMethod" type="mdod:geniPolicyType" minOccurs="0"/>
252 | </xsd:sequence>
253 | </xsd:complexType>
254 |
255 | <xsd:complexType name="dataDescriptionType">
256 | <xsd:annotation>
257 | <xsd:documentation>
258 | The MDOD can describe both measurements and transformations such
259 | as the analysis or a presentation generated from the measurement
260 | data, or even an external publication of the results.
261 | If these different types are described by fundementally different
262 | metadata, the dataDescription should contain additional alternatives
263 | other than the measurement event or analysis event.
264 | </xsd:documentation>
265 | </xsd:annotation>
266 | <xsd:sequence>
267 | <xsd:choice>
268 | <xsd:element ref="mdod:measurementEvent" />
269 | <xsd:element ref="mdod:analysisEvent" />
270 | </xsd:choice>
271 | </xsd:sequence>
272 | </xsd:complexType>
273 |
274 | <xsd:element name="measurementEvent" type="mdod:measurementEventType"/>
275 |
276 | <xsd:complexType name="measurementEventType">
277 | <xsd:annotation>
278 | <xsd:documentation>
279 | A prior version of the measurement event was based on the MDOD
280 | version 0.2.1 draft discussed at GEC11. There was discussion as
281 | to whether it should be extended to capture different measurement
282 | tools and vendor extentions that allow for future development.
283 |
284 | Initial versions included more detailed elements such as flowrate and size.
285 | The MDOD and dataDescriptor should describe what was captured, not
286 | the measurements themselves, so do we need that level of detail?
287 |
288 | Interpretation method is included as a string based on a controlled vocabulary
289 | which is the source. Do we need to extend this further to be machine readable?
290 | Would the interpretation method need to be able to specify configuration parameters?
291 | </xsd:documentation>
292 | </xsd:annotation>
293 | <xsd:sequence>
294 | <xsd:element name="category" type="mdod:sourcedStringType"/>
295 | <xsd:element name="format" type="mdod:sourcedStringType"/>
296 | <xsd:element name="interpretationMethod" type="mdod:sourcedStringType"/>
297 | <xsd:element ref="mdod:measurementParameter" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
298 | </xsd:sequence>
299 | </xsd:complexType>
300 |
301 | <xsd:element name="measurementParameter" type="mdod:measurementParameterType"/>
302 |
303 | <xsd:complexType name="measurementParameterType">
304 | <xsd:sequence>
305 | <xsd:element name="name" type="mdod:sourcedStringType"/>
306 | <xsd:element name="dataType" type="mdod:sourcedStringType"/>
307 | <xsd:element name="uom" type="mdod:sourcedStringType"/>
308 | </xsd:sequence>
309 | </xsd:complexType>
310 |
311 | <xsd:element name="analysisEvent" type="mdod:analysisEventType"/>
312 |
313 | <xsd:complexType name="analysisEventType">
314 | <xsd:annotation>
315 | <xsd:documentation>
316 | The analysis even would capture derived products such as an
317 | analysis based on measurement data or a presentation.
318 | </xsd:documentation>
319 | </xsd:annotation>
320 | <xsd:sequence>
321 | <xsd:element name="category" type="mdod:sourcedStringType"/>
322 | <xsd:element name="format" type="mdod:sourcedStringType"/>
323 | <!-- Need to determine what metadata would describe derived data products -->
324 | </xsd:sequence>
325 | </xsd:complexType>
326 |
327 |
328 | <xsd:complexType name="mdodReferenceType">
329 | <xsd:annotation>
330 | <xsd:documentation>
331 | The path based reference should include the ID of the referenced MDOD.
332 | </xsd:documentation>
333 | </xsd:annotation>
334 | <xsd:sequence>
335 | <xsd:choice>
336 | <xsd:element name="doi" type="doi:doiName"/>
337 | <xsd:element name="mdodId" type="xsd:string"/>
338 | <xsd:element name="mdodPath" type="xsd:string"/>
339 | </xsd:choice>
340 | </xsd:sequence>
341 | </xsd:complexType>
342 |
343 | <!-- ********** Reused Types ********** -->
344 | <xsd:complexType name="geniContactType">
345 | <xsd:annotation>
346 | <xsd:documentation>
347 | Is there an ID available to identify users in GENI?
348 | Should there be a project ID or other association?
349 | Do we need an enum for type of contact (e.g., user, operator, aggregate provider)
350 | </xsd:documentation>
351 | </xsd:annotation>
352 | <xsd:sequence>
353 | <xsd:element name="userName" type="xsd:string"/>
354 | <xsd:element name="organization" type="mdod:temporallyBoundLabelType"
355 | minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
356 | <xsd:element name="phone" type="mdod:temporallyBoundLabelType"
357 | minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
358 | <xsd:element name="email" type="mdod:temporallyBoundLabelType"
359 | minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
360 | </xsd:sequence>
361 | </xsd:complexType>
362 |
363 |
364 | <xsd:complexType name="geniPolicyType">
365 | <xsd:annotation>
366 | <xsd:documentation>
367 | Policies in the draft MDOD from GEC11 had an enum as to whether there is a policy
368 | and an accommpanying optional description. Instead of a description, should
369 | users be able to provide a URL where the poliiy is? The use of a URL to the
370 | policy instead of the policy itself.
371 | </xsd:documentation>
372 | </xsd:annotation>
373 | <xsd:sequence>
374 | <xsd:element name="policyApplication" type="mdod:policyApplicationType"/>
375 | <xsd:element name="policyDescription" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0"/>
376 | <xsd:element ref="mdod:policyReference" minOccurs="0"/>
377 | </xsd:sequence>
378 | </xsd:complexType>
379 |
380 | <xsd:simpleType name="policyApplicationType">
381 | <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
382 | <xsd:enumeration value="YES"/>
383 | <xsd:enumeration value="YES_INHERITED"/>
384 | <xsd:enumeration value="NOT_REQUIRED"/>
385 | </xsd:restriction>
386 | </xsd:simpleType>
387 |
388 | <xsd:element name="policyReference" type="mdod:policyReferenceType"/>
389 |
390 | <xsd:complexType name="policyReferenceType">
391 | <xsd:annotation>
392 | <xsd:documentation>
393 | A version element is included in case a policy URL only reflects the
394 | current policy, or contains multiple versions of a policy.
395 | </xsd:documentation>
396 | </xsd:annotation>
397 | <xsd:sequence>
398 | <xsd:element name="policyUrl" type="xsd:anyURI"/>
399 | <xsd:element name="version" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0"/>
400 | </xsd:sequence>
401 | </xsd:complexType>
402 |
403 | <!-- ********** Basic Reused Types ********** -->
404 |
405 | <xsd:complexType name="measuredIntType">
406 | <xsd:simpleContent>
407 | <xsd:extension base="xsd:int">
408 | <xsd:attribute name="uom" type="xsd:string" use="required"/>
409 | </xsd:extension>
410 | </xsd:simpleContent>
411 | </xsd:complexType>
412 |
413 | <xsd:complexType name="measuredDoubleType">
414 | <xsd:simpleContent>
415 | <xsd:extension base="xsd:double">
416 | <xsd:attribute name="uom" type="xsd:string" use="required"/>
417 | </xsd:extension>
418 | </xsd:simpleContent>
419 | </xsd:complexType>
420 |
421 | <xsd:complexType name="temporallyBoundLabelType">
422 | <xsd:simpleContent>
423 | <xsd:extension base="xsd:string">
424 | <xsd:attribute name="startDate" type="xsd:date" use="optional"/>
425 | <xsd:attribute name="endDate" type="xsd:date" use="optional"/>
426 | </xsd:extension>
427 | </xsd:simpleContent>
428 | </xsd:complexType>
429 |
430 | <xsd:complexType name="sourcedStringType">
431 | <xsd:annotation>
432 | <xsd:documentation>
433 | The sourced string type allows keywords, data types, and
434 | other elements in the schema to be specified based on
435 | cotrolled vocabularies created by communities internal
436 | or external to GENI. To the extent that a value is based
437 | on a controlled vocabulary, the defining source, prefferably
438 | a resolvable URI, would be included.
439 | If not based on a controlled vocabulary, should the
440 | attribute instead be optional or should the value "NONE" be
441 | used as the source.
442 | </xsd:documentation>
443 | </xsd:annotation>
444 | <xsd:simpleContent>
445 | <xsd:extension base="xsd:string">
446 | <xsd:attribute name="source" type="xsd:string" use="required"/>
447 | </xsd:extension>
448 | </xsd:simpleContent>
449 | </xsd:complexType>
450 |
451 | </xsd:schema>