1 | |
2 | GENI Quarterly Status Report - September 2009 |
3 | |
4 | Project: GENI Experiment Control Using Gush |
5 | Start: July 1, 2008 |
6 | PIs: Jeannie Albrecht, Williams College |
7 | Amin Vahdat, UC San Diego |
8 | |
9 | |
10 | 1. Major Accomplishments |
11 | |
12 | The main accomplishments this quarter were the completion of two |
13 | summer undergraduate research projects involving the development of |
14 | Gush. Danny Huang (class of 2011) integrated geniwrapper into Gush |
15 | (with the public release of his code coming soon), and also added |
16 | preliminary support for running applications on Emulab resources using |
17 | Gush. Because of Danny's work, Gush can now seamlessly run |
18 | experiments on PlanetLab, GpENI, and Emulab resources. Kelsey Levine |
19 | (class of 2010) worked on enhancing the Gush GUI (Nebula). More |
20 | specifically, she built a wizard and fixed several major bugs. I hope |
21 | to use these new features to help students run experiments on |
22 | PlanetLab in my Distributed Systems class this semester, and release |
23 | the code publicly within the next few months. |
24 | |
25 | In addition, I acquired more Gush users this quarter. Several |
26 | researchers at NYU, RENCI, MIT, University of Wuerzburg, HP, and WUSTL |
27 | contacted me and requested access to the code. I am looking forward |
28 | to receiving their feedback regarding the usability of Gush. |
29 | |
30 | 1.1. Milestones Achieved |
31 | |
32 | a. Website and documentation - We had no major milestones due this |
33 | quarter. However, we have continued to improve the website and |
34 | provide enhanced documentation. As part of Danny's summer work, he |
35 | wrote additional developer documentation for Gush. Kelsey also wrote |
36 | some user documentation for the GUI. |
37 | |
38 | b. Gush release - Although our next official milestone is early next |
39 | quarter (October 9th), this quarter we finished most of the necessary |
40 | steps for the next public release of Gush that includes geniwrapper |
41 | integration. |
42 | |
43 | c. Demo/presentation - At GEC 5, I demoed the basic functionality of |
44 | Gush with preliminary geniwrapper support. I also presented an |
45 | overview of the experimenter tools available to PlanetLab users during |
46 | the Experiment Workflow and Services working group meeting. |
47 | |
48 | 1.2 Deliverables Made |
49 | |
50 | The past three months of work on Gush have resulted in progress |
51 | towards three of our deliverables: code development, code release, and |
52 | documentation. In terms of code development, we finished integrating |
53 | geniwrapper into Gush in place of the old PLCAPI-based communication. |
54 | In terms of code release and documentation, we updated our website |
55 | with additional details for developers. In particular, Danny created |
56 | a new page documenting the steps required to run Gush on Emulab |
57 | resources. |
58 | |
59 | In addition to code development and release, I also proofread and |
60 | submitted feedback on Vic's document that cataloged the Experimenter |
61 | Tools and Services for each of the control frameworks. In this |
62 | context, I specifically focused on the section that addressed |
63 | PlanetLab tools and services. |
64 | |
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66 | 2. Description of Work Performed |
67 | |
68 | 2.1 Activities and Findings |
69 | |
70 | The main activities for the past three months have focused on helping |
71 | undergraduate students contribute to the development of Gush. Despite |
72 | the overwhelming size of the codebase, Danny and Kelsey made great |
73 | progress this summer. Thanks to the generous support of a GENI travel |
74 | scholarship, Danny was able to attend GEC 5. I think this was an |
75 | excellent opportunity for him to gain a better understanding of the |
76 | broad scope of the GENI project. His participation was also |
77 | beneficial to the long-term success of the project since he is |
78 | continuing his work with Gush this school year. |
79 | |
80 | With respect to administration, I attended a meeting in Boston in July |
81 | at BBN regarding Spiral 1 status and Spiral 2 plans in Cluster B. The |
82 | meeting gave the PIs an chance to discuss the overall status of the |
83 | cluster, and help align goals and clear up misconceptions. I also |
84 | negotiated Spiral 2 milestones this quarter. Major milestones include |
85 | additional coursework integration and code development. |
86 | |
87 | 2.2 Project Participants |
88 | |
89 | The PIs are Jeannie Albrecht and Amin Vahdat. Other participants to |
90 | date include three undergraduates at Williams and a graduate student |
91 | at UCSD. |
92 | |
93 | 2.3 Publications |
94 | |
95 | Jeannie Albrecht and Ryan Braud. Application Management and |
96 | Visualization. In Demo Session Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on |
97 | Peer-to-Peer Systems (P2P), September 2009. |
98 | |
99 | Elliot Jaffe and Jeannie Albrecht. PlanetLab - P2P Testing in the |
100 | Wild. In Demo Session Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on |
101 | Peer-to-Peer Systems (P2P), September 2009. |
102 | |
103 | Jeannie Albrecht. Bringing Big Systems to Small Schools: Distributed |
104 | Systems for Undergraduates. In Proceedings of the Fortieth ACM |
105 | Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE), March |
106 | 2009. |
107 | |
108 | 2.4 Outreach Activities |
109 | |
110 | I will participate in a panel/BoF session that focuses on topics |
111 | related to using PlanetLab/GENI at SOSP 2009 in October. In addition, |
112 | I gave two invited talks and a demo at P2P 2009 in September on Gush |
113 | and PlanetLab. Both talks were very well received. |
114 | |
115 | 2.5 Collaborations |
116 | |
117 | Our main collaboration to date has been with John Hartman at the |
118 | University of Arizona and the GpENI group. We are working on |
119 | integrating Gush with Raven and GpENI. |
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121 | In addition, we remain in contact with groups at UMass and Duke |
122 | University about Gush-related collaborations. |
123 | |
124 | We have also been communicating with Rob Ricci regarding Emulab |
125 | support in Gush. |
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127 | 2.6 Other Contributions |
128 | |
129 | I attended GEC 2, GEC 3, GEC 4, and GEC 5 and presented at all |
130 | conferences. I have also been involved with the Experiment Services |
131 | Working group. I have agreed to serve as the Working group chair next |
132 | year. |
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