@echo off if -%1-==-- echo "USAGE: gdcli_gec23.bat " & exit /b if -%2-==-- echo "USAGE: gdcli_gec23.bat " & exit /b set SLICENAME=%2 set PROJECTNAME=%1 echo Change to GDCLI Directory cd \GDCLI echo Performing GDCLI operation ^for SLICE=%SLICENAME% PROJECT=%PROJECTNAME% echo Running List nodes command gdcli listnodes -s %SLICENAME% -r %PROJECTNAME% echo Installing iperf on all nodes gdcli run -s %SLICENAME% -r %PROJECTNAME% -n "node-0,node-1" -c "sudo apt-get -y update;sudo apt-get -y install iperf" echo Starting iperf server in daemon ^mode on node-0 gdcli run -s %SLICENAME% -r %PROJECTNAME% -n "node-0" -c "iperf -s -D> /dev/null 2>&1" echo Starting iperf client on node-1 echo Connecting to node-0 blasting traffic ^at 10Gb/s ^for 30 seconds gdcli run -s %SLICENAME% -r %PROJECTNAME% -n "node-1" -c "iperf -t 30 -c node-0 -b 10000M" echo Fetch graph ^for data collected on link ^at interface on node-0 gdcli getpng -s %SLICENAME% -r %PROJECTNAME% -g linkbytes -l link-0 -n node-0 -o %userprofile%\Desktop\mygraphs echo Opening Folder to view graphs just downloaded cd %userprofile%\Desktop\mygraphs explorer .