1 | v0.2.1
2 | 072511
3 |
4 | measurement_data_object_descriptor [mandatory]
5 | identifiers [mandatory]
6 | identifier [mandatory; applies to entire object; only one primary entry allowed]
7 | rank=primary|secondary=primary
8 | type=urn|variable|key|token=urn [primary identifier must be type=urn]
9 | source=holderid_n=holderid_1 [primary identifier source be holderid_1, the orignator of the object]
10 | value=text
11 | =urn
12 | =domain:subdomain+object_type+object_name [object_name should be unique within domain:subdomain for this object_type]
13 | =geni.net:holder_1.org+object_type+object_name
14 |
15 | identifier [optional]
16 | rank=primary|secondary=secondary
17 |
18 | title=text [optional]
19 | abstract=text [optional]
20 | subject=text [optional]
21 | keywords=text [optional]
22 | annotation [optional]
23 | user_id=text
24 | date_time=text
25 | entry=text
26 |
27 | annotation [optional]
28 |
29 | descriptors [mandatory]
30 | descriptor [mandatory; applies to entire object; only one entry allowed]
31 | level=1 [mandatory] object_type=meas_data_collection|meas_data_flow|meas_data_directory|meas_data_file|meas_data_database|meas_data_service_portal|meas_data_service_GUI [mandatory; where is the list defined?]
32 | collection_geographic_location=text [optional]
33 | collection_start_date_time=numerical [optional]
34 | collection_end_date_time=numerical [optional]
35 | project_id=text [mandatory or optional?]
36 | slice_id=text [mandatory]
37 | experiment_id=text [optional]
38 | run_id=text [optional]
39 | target=text [optional; equivalent to perfSONAR Subject; e.g., what hosts, where in the topology; use topology info?]
40 | category= [optional; equivalent to perfSONAR EventType; e.g., what type of tests; from list?; where is the list defined?]
41 | parameters [optional]
42 | parameter_1= text [optional; as required by category; equivalent to perfSONAR Parameters]
43 |
44 | parameter_n= text [optional; as required by category; equivalent to perfSONAR Parameters]
45 |
46 | object_size=numerical [optional]
47 | flow_rate=numerical [optional]
48 | locator [mandatory]
49 | view=global|per_association|within_holder [mandatory]
50 | holder=holderid_n [optional]
51 | type=path|url|other [mandatory]
52 | value=text [mandatory]
53 | access_method= text [optional]
54 |
55 | locator [optional]
56 |
57 | object_format=perfSONAR_API|OML_DB|GUI|etc [mandatory; depends on object_type; where is the list defined?; e.g., for perfSONAR, would specify perfSONAR API]
58 | interpretation_method [mandatory; depends on object_type and object_format]
59 |
60 |
61 |
62 | encryption=yes|no [mandatory]
63 | encryption_method [optional; depends on type and format]
64 |
65 |
66 | annotation [optional]
67 | user_id=text
68 | date_time=text
69 | entry=text
70 |
71 | annotation [optional]
72 |
73 |
74 | descriptors_nextleveldown [optional]
75 | descriptor [optional]
76 | level=2
77 |
78 | descriptor [optional]
79 | level=2
80 |
81 | holders [mandatory]
82 | holder [mandatory]
83 | id=holderid_1 [mandatory; gathered measurement data; in perfSONAR, this is the MeasArchive Srvc]
84 | order=1 [mandatory]
85 | domain=geni.net [mandatory, if available]
86 | subdomain=holder_1.org [mandatory, if available]
87 | slice_id=text [mandatory, if available]
88 | user_id=text [mandatory, if available]
89 | contact [mandatory, if available]
90 | type=email|url|other [mandatory]
91 | value=text [mandatory]
92 | collection=yes|inherited [mandatory]
93 | collection_policy [optional; relevant policy when measurement data was collected by this holder]
94 |
95 | anonymization=yes|yes_inherited|not_required [mandatory]
96 | anonymization_method [optional; used when measurement data was collected by this holder]
97 |
98 | sharing=allowed|allowed_inherited|not_allowed [mandatory]
99 | sharing_policy [optional; relevant policy when measurement data is to be shared by this holder]
100 |
101 | disposal=specified|specified_inherited|not_specified [mandatory]
102 | disposal_policy [optional; relevant policy when measurement data is to be shared by this holder]
103 |
104 | transaction [mandatory]
105 | transaction_id=text [mandatory; must be unique]
106 | transaction_type=collected|received|returned|registered|modified|shared|assigned|etc. [mandatory; where is the list defined?]
107 | transaction_date_time=text [mandatory]
108 | transaction_info [optional; depends on transaction_type]
109 |
110 |
111 | annotation [optional]
112 | user_id=text
113 | date_time=text
114 | entry=text
115 |
116 | annotation [optional]
117 |
118 | transaction [optional]
119 |
120 | holder [optional]
121 |