{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (7 matches)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

(empty) (7 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#6 lamp-sendmanifest.py does not handle flack extensions Bootstrapping closed fixed SPIRAL4 defect major stallone3@gmail.com 09/05/12
#7 instrumentize getting "Malformed arguments" error from sliverstatus call Bootstrapping new SPIRAL4 defect major nasir@netlab.uky.edu 09/27/12
#5 Failure instrumentizing passive-only slice Bootstrapping assigned SPIRAL4 defect major nasir@netlab.uky.edu 08/24/12
#4 Investigate bottlenecks in instrumentize process Bootstrapping closed fixed SPIRAL4 task major nasir@netlab.uky.edu 08/24/12
#3 Main page only shows one node (PCA) Portal closed fixed SPIRAL4 defect major nasir@netlab.uky.edu 06/28/12
#2 All graphs button shows no graphs for 2/3 nodes Portal closed fixed SPIRAL4 defect major nasir@netlab.uky.edu 06/28/12
#1 Test GEMINI ticket UNIS closed fixed SPIRAL4 task major johren@bbn.com 08/27/12
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.