

21:17 Ticket #100 (Bare metal node interface not configured as requested in RSpec) created by lnevers@bbn.com
Created a sliver named "2bare" at the ExoSM that requested 1 bare …
13:38 Ticket #43 (RSpecs: Ensure manifests include assigned IPs, etc) closed by ahelsing@bbn.com
13:38 Ticket #78 (RSpecs: Manifest fails to preserve interface client_ids) closed by ahelsing@bbn.com
13:38 Ticket #99 (RSpecs: manifest needs correct slice and sliver-info schema locations) closed by ahelsing@bbn.com
11:36 Ticket #99 (RSpecs: manifest needs correct slice and sliver-info schema locations) created by ahelsing@bbn.com
The slice_info and sliver_info RSpec extensions are hosted at a …
10:17 Ticket #44 (RSpecs: Clean up link component_id for readability) closed by ahelsing@bbn.com
fixed: It doesn't look like anything changed here since the last roll-out. …
10:03 Ticket #46 (Unable to determine number of available resources from listresources output) closed by lnevers@bbn.com
fixed: The current output from listresources at the BBN SM, RENCI SM and …
09:59 Ticket #51 (shared vlan requests fail to complete and result in geni_status failed) closed by lnevers@bbn.com
fixed: Set up 12 shared VLAN slivers and each came up without a problem. …
09:42 Ticket #85 (Slice credentials are not checked when executing listresources on a sliver) closed by lnevers@bbn.com
09:28 Ticket #94 (Creating a 1 vm shared vlan sliver causes exception at RENCI rack) closed by lnevers@bbn.com
fixed: This problem is resolved, able to create and use slivers with the …
09:27 Ticket #84 ("Exception during join for unit" is reported during a sliverstatus) closed by chaos@bbn.com
fixed: Closing this, since Luisa said it could be closed.


09:31 Ticket #82 (Upgrade FOAM to 0.8) closed by jbs@bbn.com
fixed: Victor says that he upgraded FOAM on the RENCI and BBN racks to 0.8.2 …


13:27 Ticket #98 (Add xCAT Yum repository to bbn-hn) created by jbs@bbn.com
bbn-hn installs software from the xCAT Yum repository, but doesn't …


14:10 Ticket #97 (Users with too-long usernames) closed by jbs@bbn.com
invalid: Ok, we can close it as "invalid" then.
13:51 Ticket #97 (Users with too-long usernames) created by jbs@bbn.com
A couple of users on bbn-hn have usernames that are longer than eight …
12:40 Ticket #96 (Source RPMs for packages on bbn-hn) created by jbs@bbn.com
There are some packages on bbn-hn that include software that listens …
11:12 Ticket #95 (FlowVisor version) created by jbs@bbn.com
On both bbn-hn and rci-hn, 'rpm -qi flowvisor' says "Version : …


14:40 Ticket #32 (DNS entries are not defined for 8052.bbn.xo and 8264.bbn.xo) reopened by chaos@bbn.com
This has become un-fixed: […]
09:03 Ticket #94 (Creating a 1 vm shared vlan sliver causes exception at RENCI rack) created by lnevers@bbn.com
An exception is reported when creating a 1 VM on a shared vlan sliver …


12:43 Ticket #93 (Identifying ExoGENI software) created by jbs@bbn.com
I'm working on EG-MON-1 Step 1 …
10:39 Ticket #92 (exogeni dataplane switch configs lack important metadata) created by chaos@bbn.com
The files in …
10:37 Ticket #91 (exogeni dataplane switch configs are not being polled by subversion) created by chaos@bbn.com
The two files: * …


10:50 Ticket #90 (User who created sliver can incorrectly use other user's slice cred to ...) closed by lnevers@bbn.com
fixed: Closing ticket, this is not an ExoGENI error. This problem was due to …


17:17 Ticket #90 (User who created sliver can incorrectly use other user's slice cred to ...) created by lnevers@bbn.com
This test scenario uses two user accounts: * lnevers1 …
16:48 Ticket #89 (User with valid slice credential cannot delete slivers created by ...) created by lnevers@bbn.com
This test scenario uses two user accounts: - lnevers1 …
13:40 Ticket #67 (bare metal fails to boot for EG-EXP-4 experiment 2) closed by lnevers@bbn.com
fixed: Re-ran this RSpec three times and each attempt worked and bare metal …
11:34 Ticket #88 (bbn-iscsi has an orange light on one of its disks) created by chaos@bbn.com
When IBM came to install the extra nodes today, they noticed an orange …


17:52 Ticket #33 (Private IPs assigned for iSCSI array should be in /etc/hosts) closed by chaos@bbn.com
fixed: Head and worker targets (2 each, presumably for the left and right …
16:59 Ticket #11 (define full reverse and forward zones for BBN rack's public IPs) closed by chaos@bbn.com
fixed: Victor implemented the .exogeni.net CNAMEs for all these items, and i …
12:20 Ticket #86 (ExoGENI does not support slice delegation) closed by jaipuria@cs.duke.edu
fixed: Fixed.
12:01 Ticket #87 (User credentials incorrectly sufficient for local sliver creator) created by ahelsing@bbn.com
User credential is sufficient to allow the local sliver creator to do …


13:46 Ticket #86 (ExoGENI does not support slice delegation) created by lnevers@bbn.com
In scenarios where a slice is delegated, ExoGENI AM does not handle …


11:33 Ticket #54 (Unable to create a sliver with Bare metal node) closed by lnevers@bbn.com
fixed: This issue is resolved, I am able to reserve both bare metal nodes at …


12:25 Ticket #85 (Slice credentials are not checked when executing listresources on a sliver) created by lnevers@bbn.com
Problem scenario: A user creates two slices with one sliver in each, …
09:45 Ticket #84 ("Exception during join for unit" is reported during a sliverstatus) created by lnevers@bbn.com
Created a 2 VM sliver named EG-EXP-2-exp1 with the attached RSpec, …
01:02 Ticket #52 (ORCA sliver expiration) closed by jbs@bbn.com
fixed: orca_expires now shows up in sliverstatus; in listresources, there's …


15:47 Ticket #32 (DNS entries are not defined for 8052.bbn.xo and 8264.bbn.xo) closed by chaos@bbn.com
fixed: Looks like Victor fixed this. From bbn-hn: […] and the hostnames …
11:17 Ticket #83 (RSpecs: fully remove stitching so rspeclint passes) closed by ahelsing@bbn.com
fixed: That was quick. Thanks.


15:17 Ticket #83 (RSpecs: fully remove stitching so rspeclint passes) created by ahelsing@bbn.com
With a stub stitching element, Ad RSpecs no longer pass rspeclint. …
15:09 Ticket #27 (Ad RSpec: follow node/link/interface ID conventions) closed by ahelsing@bbn.com
15:08 Ticket #65 (Ad RSpec: Duplicate link) closed by ahelsing@bbn.com
14:05 Ticket #45 (RSpecs: Avoid 2 nodes with same interfaces/links) closed by ahelsing@bbn.com
wontfix: Ilia says: […] So we have to live with it.
09:07 Ticket #24 (Ad Rspec: same component_manager_id throughout) closed by ahelsing@bbn.com
wontfix: Per Ilia, this is something we won't fix at the ExoSM. If this causes …


17:00 Ticket #71 (BBN switches not responding to RADIUS login) closed by chaos@bbn.com
fixed: Josh (as jbs) and i (as chaos) both verified that we can now login to …
15:59 Ticket #82 (Upgrade FOAM to 0.8) created by jbs@bbn.com
FOAM 0.8 is out, and it'd be good to get the existing two ExoGENI …
15:56 Ticket #30 (need support for a per-user nagios e-mail notification setting) closed by chaos@bbn.com
fixed: Agreed; let's close this.
15:46 Ticket #29 (site admins have inconsistent privileges in nagios installations) closed by chaos@bbn.com
fixed: Jonathan: yes, this looks like it's now fixed (as user chaos, who was …
14:42 Ticket #81 (renewsliver not working in BBN rack) created by jbs@bbn.com
When I try to renew a newly-created sliver in the BBN rack, I get a …
13:47 Ticket #80 (RSpecs: Manifests: Include more info) created by ahelsing@bbn.com
There is other information you could convey in a manifest RSpec. It …
13:46 Ticket #79 (RSpecs: Manifest fails to preserve interface IP element) created by ahelsing@bbn.com
The IP element on an interface of a node should be preserved from …
13:41 Ticket #78 (RSpecs: Manifest fails to preserve interface client_ids) created by ahelsing@bbn.com
The client_id on an interface of a node should be preserved from …
13:38 Ticket #69 (RSpecs: make client_id have GID at end?) closed by ahelsing@bbn.com
13:38 Ticket #68 (RSpecs: Manifest lists AM ID as the component_id) closed by ahelsing@bbn.com
12:40 Ticket #77 (Ad RSpec: stitching: empty switchingCapabilitySpecificInfo) created by ahelsing@bbn.com
Some links in the stitching extension have empty …
12:37 Ticket #76 (Ad RSpec: No shared_vlan extension?) created by ahelsing@bbn.com
Was it a conscious choice to not use the shared_vlan Ad RSpec …
12:36 Ticket #75 (Ad RSpec: Typo in an interface) created by ahelsing@bbn.com
In the ExoSM Ad Node …
12:35 Ticket #74 (Ad Rspec: vlan range of length 1) created by ahelsing@bbn.com
When providing a vlan range of length 1, just list the #. EG not …
12:01 Ticket #63 (RSpecs: ugly node component_name) closed by ahelsing@bbn.com
12:01 Ticket #62 (Ad Rspec: stitching extension rspeclint errors) closed by ahelsing@bbn.com
11:59 Ticket #61 (Ad RSpec: missing ptop_extension schemaLocation) closed by ahelsing@bbn.com
11:02 Ticket #73 (creating a sliver with one vm at BBN and one vm at RENCI fails with ...) closed by ibaldin@renci.org
invalid: You can't ask BBN SM to give you resources from RENCI. Marked 'invalid'
09:30 Ticket #73 (creating a sliver with one vm at BBN and one vm at RENCI fails with ...) created by lnevers@bbn.com
Creating a sliver with one VM at BBN and one VM at RENCI results …


16:28 RspecExtensions/slice-info/1 edited by ahelsing@bbn.com
16:27 RspecExtensions/sliver-info/1 edited by ahelsing@bbn.com
16:26 RspecExtensions edited by ahelsing@bbn.com
16:17 RspecExtensions/sliver-info/1 created by ahelsing@bbn.com
16:14 slice_info.xsd attached to RspecExtensions/slice-info/1 by ahelsing@bbn.com
16:10 slice_info.rnc attached to RspecExtensions/slice-info/1 by ahelsing@bbn.com
15:54 RspecExtensions/slice-info/1 created by ahelsing@bbn.com
15:52 RspecExtensions created by ahelsing@bbn.com


11:51 Ticket #72 (RSpecs: preserve shared-vlan info in manifest) created by ahelsing@bbn.com
manifest RSpecs should preserve the shared-vlan elements from the …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.