

14:46 Ticket #7 (Advertisment RSpec fails with various errors) closed by ibaldin@renci.org
duplicate: See #25
12:21 Ticket #53 (Requests for any sliver results in "No matching global declaration ...) closed by lnevers@bbn.com
10:39 Ticket #53 (Requests for any sliver results in "No matching global declaration ...) created by lnevers@bbn.com
Any request to create a sliver at the BBN SM using any RSpecs that I …


09:03 Ticket #52 (ORCA sliver expiration) created by jbs@bbn.com
Is there a way for an experimenter to find out their ORCA sliver's …
08:54 Ticket #12 (finalize government property paperwork for the delivered BBN rack) closed by hdempsey@bbn.com
fixed: We received the tags, attached them to the rack and returned the form …


12:46 Ticket #16 (A 2 node create sliver completes but 'geni_status' is 'failed') closed by lnevers@bbn.com
fixed: Since this ticket was last updated, I have been able to create a 2 …


19:28 Ticket #51 (shared vlan requests fail to complete and result in geni_status failed) created by lnevers@bbn.com
Using several RSpecs that included a shared VLAN request …


15:52 Ticket #48 (Change FlowVisor admin password) closed by jbs@bbn.com
fixed: Jon and I made the same change on the BBN rack as well. Afterwards, …


23:17 Ticket #50 (13 node linear sliver fails with geni_status: 'failed') created by lnevers@bbn.com
Since linear topologies work, I attempted to request all available …
15:34 Ticket #49 (Josh shouldn't be in xoadmins) created by jbs@bbn.com
Josh was temporarily added to the 'xoadmins' group, but he should …


12:24 Ticket #48 (Change FlowVisor admin password) created by jbs@bbn.com
The current FlowVisor? admin password is very insecure; change it to …


16:50 Ticket #9 (Sliver with 6 nodes is created, but only 2 show up in sliver ...) reopened by lnevers@bbn.com
Maybe this issues is not fully resolved. The original ticket, had …
12:32 Ticket #17 (Creating a 5 node linear sliver results in geni_status failed) closed by lnevers@bbn.com
fixed: Problem is no longer an issue. Closing ticket.
11:52 Ticket #9 (Sliver with 6 nodes is created, but only 2 show up in sliver ...) closed by lnevers@bbn.com
fixed: This issue is resolved in the current version.
11:18 Ticket #14 (Four node ring topology results in all interface having 1 address) closed by lnevers@bbn.com
fixed: Checked on this issue and it is resolved. When an interface is …


16:38 Ticket #47 (Creating a sliver with 2 BBN VMs and 2 RCI VMs results in 4 hosts at ...) created by lnevers@bbn.com
Created an experiment named EG-EXP-4-exp2a, which includes a topology …
10:22 Ticket #46 (Unable to determine number of available resources from listresources output) created by lnevers@bbn.com
Test scenario: 1. Collected listresources from BBN SM before test …


12:23 Ticket #45 (RSpecs: Avoid 2 nodes with same interfaces/links) created by ahelsing@bbn.com
Current Ad shows several examples of 2 nodes with the exact same …
12:22 Ticket #44 (RSpecs: Clean up link component_id for readability) created by ahelsing@bbn.com
Clean up link component_id for readability Current is: …
12:21 Ticket #43 (RSpecs: Ensure manifests include assigned IPs, etc) created by ahelsing@bbn.com
Double check manifests include assigned IPs, netmask, etc in the …
12:20 Ticket #42 (RSpecs: clean up sliver_id in manifests) created by ahelsing@bbn.com
sliver_id in manifest is a bit messy to read: What about: …
12:19 Ticket #41 (RSpecs: Add component_manager and property to link Ads) created by ahelsing@bbn.com
Add <component_manager> and <property> sub-elements on <link> …
12:17 Ticket #40 (RSpecs: stitching extension has extraneous whitespace) created by ahelsing@bbn.com
The stitching extension Ad has element names something like: …
12:15 Ticket #39 (RSpecs: ExoSM Ad includes external references) created by ahelsing@bbn.com
ExoSM (not individual racks) advertisement RSpec should include …
12:14 Ticket #38 (RSpecs: Rack Ads include external references) created by ahelsing@bbn.com
Individual rack (not ExoSM) advertisement RSpecs should include …
12:12 Ticket #37 (RSpecs: ExoSM Ad includes proper stitching extension) created by ahelsing@bbn.com
ExoSM (not individual racks) should include a propert stitching …
12:10 Ticket #36 (RSpecs: Rack Ads including proper stitching extension) created by ahelsing@bbn.com
Individual racks (not ExoSM) should include a proper stitching …
08:07 Ticket #35 (FOAM is down on bbn-hn) closed by jbs@bbn.com
fixed: It's working for me now too. Did you change anything? Other FOAM …


12:43 Ticket #35 (FOAM is down on bbn-hn) created by jbs@bbn.com
On bbn-hn, I can't connect to FOAM; I get […]


16:30 Ticket #34 (verify mechanism for protecting bbn-hn from SSH password-guessing attacks) created by chaos@bbn.com
The publically-accessible node bbn-hn allows password-based SSH login. …


10:01 Ticket #33 (Private IPs assigned for iSCSI array should be in /etc/hosts) created by chaos@bbn.com
Per Wednesday's call, the IP addresses which are used for the iSCSI …
09:48 Ticket #22 (clarify minor inconsistencies in rack layout diagram) closed by chaos@bbn.com
fixed: I think this can in fact be closed. I'll open a new ticket for any …
09:45 Ticket #20 (members of the bbnadmins group should have access to network devices ...) closed by chaos@bbn.com
fixed: In …
09:42 Ticket #32 (DNS entries are not defined for 8052.bbn.xo and 8264.bbn.xo) created by chaos@bbn.com
From a login on bbn-hn, i see: […] Based on Wednesday's call, i …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.