

15:52 Ticket #23 (placement of PDUs within rack should be documented on the exogeni wiki) created by chaos@bbn.com
The PDUs in the BBN rack are labelled on the cable end as PDU1 - PDU6. …
10:35 Ticket #22 (clarify minor inconsistencies in rack layout diagram) created by chaos@bbn.com
In using the rack layout diagram at …


14:49 Ticket #21 (LDAP password change on racks doesn't work due to LDAP replication issues) created by chaos@bbn.com
When i try to change the password for my new cgolubit (BBN site admin) …
11:10 Ticket #20 (members of the bbnadmins group should have access to network devices ...) created by chaos@bbn.com
Currently, the 8052.bbn.xo and 8264.bbn.xo switches appear to be …


17:51 Ticket #10 (enable LDAP/RADIUS access to BBN rack management and dataplane switches) closed by chaos@bbn.com
fixed: This access has been configured for the xoadmins LDAP group on BBN …
17:35 Ticket #19 (configure serial console access from bbn-hn to 8052.bbn.xo and 8264.bbn.xo) created by chaos@bbn.com
The serial consoles of the two BBN rack switches, 8052.bbn.xo and …
17:14 Ticket #18 (creating an experiment topology with no IP defined causes a "Embedding ...) closed by lnevers@bbn.com
fixed: When not using emulab...:-) the experiment works and all four nodes in …
16:36 Ticket #18 (creating an experiment topology with no IP defined causes a "Embedding ...) created by lnevers@bbn.com
Created a sliver with includes 4 node with no IP addresses results in …


09:57 Ticket #17 (Creating a 5 node linear sliver results in geni_status failed) created by lnevers@bbn.com
Creating a 5 node linear topology sliver completes with a …


14:36 Ticket #16 (A 2 node create sliver completes but 'geni_status' is 'failed') created by lnevers@bbn.com
Using the request RSpec example …


11:39 Ticket #15 (AM API acceptance tests report a mismatch between component_id in ...) created by lnevers@bbn.com
The AM API test report that the manifest rspec include component_ids …


17:39 Ticket #13 (Register up-to-date contact information for ExoGENI with GMOC) closed by chaos@bbn.com
fixed: GMOC (Eldar Urumbaev) says: […] That's it for this one. Thanks, Chris.
12:06 Ticket #14 (Four node ring topology results in all interface having 1 address) created by lnevers@bbn.com
Created a sliver with a 4 node ring to topology without problem. The …
08:36 Ticket #13 (Register up-to-date contact information for ExoGENI with GMOC) created by chaos@bbn.com
The ExoGENI team should register contact information for the ExoGENI …
08:32 Ticket #12 (finalize government property paperwork for the delivered BBN rack) created by chaos@bbn.com
BBN requires a DD1149 form for government property which has been …
08:27 Ticket #11 (define full reverse and forward zones for BBN rack's public IPs) created by chaos@bbn.com
All public IP addresses in use by the BBN rack (non-gateway/broadcast …
08:21 Ticket #10 (enable LDAP/RADIUS access to BBN rack management and dataplane switches) created by chaos@bbn.com
The 8052 (management) and 8264 (dataplane) switches at BBN should …


23:10 Ticket #9 (Sliver with 6 nodes is created, but only 2 show up in sliver ...) created by lnevers@bbn.com
Using an rspec with the following topology in the BBN rack: - 3 VM …
11:09 Ticket #8 (Attempts to create slivers result in "unknown slice error') created by lnevers@bbn.com
As of this morning, all sliver creation attempts have been failing …


21:38 Ticket #7 (Advertisment RSpec fails with various errors) created by lnevers@bbn.com
Using version ?? on 04/26/2012: There are various new failures with …
21:22 Ticket #6 (Manifest RSpec does not include valid stitching element and attribute ...) closed by lnevers@bbn.com
fixed: On 4/26/12 4:05 PM, Ilia Baldine wrote: > Try now. Conversion is …
11:40 Ticket #4 (Advertisment RSpec does not include type="advertisement") closed by lnevers@bbn.com
fixed: Problem is fixed, closing ticket: <rspec type="advertisement" …
09:28 Ticket #6 (Manifest RSpec does not include valid stitching element and attribute ...) created by lnevers@bbn.com
Using version ??? on 04/26/2012: Manifest RSpec for slice generate …


22:07 Ticket #5 (RSpec V3 not supported) created by lnevers@bbn.com
Using version ??? on 04/25/2012: The current version of ExoGENI does …
17:22 Ticket #4 (Advertisment RSpec does not include type="advertisement") created by lnevers@bbn.com
Using Version ??? on 04/25/2012: Advertisement RSpec does not include …
16:26 Ticket #3 (Requested unsupported RSpec V3 sliver results in exception) created by lnevers@bbn.com
Using version??? on 04/25/2012. Requesting a sliver with a V3 RSpec …[…]
14:42 Ticket #2 (create sliver for incorrect component manager fails with exception) created by lnevers@bbn.com
Using version??? on 04/25/2012. While creating a sliver at the BBN …


13:26 Ticket #1 (setup exogeni trac instance for ExoGENI testing) closed by chaos@bbn.com
13:24 Ticket #1 (setup exogeni trac instance for ExoGENI testing) created by chaos@bbn.com
Set up a dedicated Trac instance for tickets needed during ExoGENI …
13:07 WikiStart edited by chaos@bbn.com
12:15 WikiStart edited by lnevers@bbn.com
12:00 WikiStart edited by lnevers@bbn.com
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