Opened 12 years ago

Closed 12 years ago

Last modified 12 years ago

#12 closed (fixed)

finalize government property paperwork for the delivered BBN rack

Reported by: Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone: EG-ADM-1
Component: Administration Version: SPIRAL4
Keywords: Cc:


BBN requires a DD1149 form for government property which has been delivered to us. RENCI should fill out and submit that form for our records (and be able to do so for any other site who has similar requirements).

Change History (8)

comment:1 Changed 12 years ago by

I'm not totally sure whose plate this is on, so i didn't assign it. Ilia, do you guys have everything you need for this, or did we promise you any information we haven't sent over yet?

comment:2 Changed 12 years ago by

I sent Ilia all the information he requested.

comment:3 Changed 12 years ago by

Our purchasing is working on it. We have the information we need.

comment:4 Changed 12 years ago by

Owner: changed from somebody to

comment:5 Changed 12 years ago by

Milestone: EG-ADM-1

Now that testing has started, updating this task to note that it is a blocker for a step of EG-ADM-1.

comment:6 Changed 12 years ago by

Adding to ticket, sorry for the duplicate I didn't have access to TRAC previous to this:

The 1149 form has been completed. We are still waiting on official asset tags from UNC property management. Installing UNC purchased equipment at locations outside of North Carolina is something our property management group doesn't usually deal with so I think they haven't quite figured out what to do yet.

comment:7 Changed 12 years ago by

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

We received the tags, attached them to the rack and returned the form to Janet Launder.

comment:8 Changed 12 years ago by

Whoops, that is actually Janet Rupert (via Karen Gaster).

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