{4} Assigned, Active Tickets by Owner (6 matches)

List assigned tickets, group by ticket owner, sorted by priority.

ibaldin@renci.org (5 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Milestone Type Created
#72 RSpecs: preserve shared-vlan info in manifest AM task 07/19/12
#41 RSpecs: Add component_manager and property to link Ads AM task 05/29/12
#39 RSpecs: ExoSM Ad includes external references AM task 05/29/12
#38 RSpecs: Rack Ads include external references AM task 05/29/12
#37 RSpecs: ExoSM Ad includes proper stitching extension AM task 05/29/12

jaipuria@cs.duke.edu (1 match)

Ticket Summary Component Milestone Type Created
#87 User credentials incorrectly sufficient for local sliver creator AM defect 07/31/12
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