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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#141 wontfix XML schema validators should use cached copies of schemas somebody

XML schema validators should not in general check remote URLs for the schema - if the schema has changed, code that uses the XML will be wrong. And someone could maliciously change the schema. And the availability of the web server should not impact whether the XML document validates.

#55 fixed WrongRspecType for manifest and advertisment RSpecs for AM API tests somebody

Running the AM API Acceptance tests fails as follows:

$ ./ -a am-undertest -V 2
FAIL: test_CreateSliver: Passes if the sliver creation workflow succeeds.  Use --rspec-file to replace the default request RSpec.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 625, in test_CreateSliver
  File "./", line 660, in subtest_CreateSliverWorkflow
    self.assertRspecType( manifest, 'manifest')
  File "/home/lnevers/gcf-1.6.2-rc3/src/", line 174, in assertRspecType
    raise WrongRspecType, msg
WrongRspecType: RSpec expected to have type 'manifest' but schema was not correct.

FAIL: test_CreateSliverWorkflow_multiSlice: Do CreateSliver workflow with multiple slices and ensure can not do ListResources on slices with the wrong credential.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 936, in test_CreateSliverWorkflow_multiSlice
    self.assertRspecType( "".join(manifest[i]), 'manifest')
  File "/home/lnevers/gcf-1.6.2-rc3/src/", line 174, in assertRspecType
    raise WrongRspecType, msg
WrongRspecType: RSpec expected to have type 'manifest' but schema was not correct.

FAIL: test_ListResources: Passes if 'ListResources' returns an advertisement RSpec.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 328, in test_ListResources
  File "./", line 607, in subtest_ListResources
    self.assertRspecType( rspec, 'advertisement', typeOnly=typeOnly)
  File "/home/lnevers/gcf-1.6.2-rc3/src/", line 174, in assertRspecType
    raise WrongRspecType, msg
WrongRspecType: RSpec expected to have type 'advertisement' but schema was not correct.

FAIL: test_ListResources_geni_available: Passes if 'ListResources' returns an advertisement RSpec.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 342, in test_ListResources_geni_available
  File "./", line 607, in subtest_ListResources
    self.assertRspecType( rspec, 'advertisement', typeOnly=typeOnly)
  File "/home/lnevers/gcf-1.6.2-rc3/src/", line 174, in assertRspecType
    raise WrongRspecType, msg
WrongRspecType: RSpec expected to have type 'advertisement' but schema was not correct.

FAIL: test_ListResources_geni_compressed: Passes if 'ListResources' returns an advertisement RSpec.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 335, in test_ListResources_geni_compressed
  File "./", line 607, in subtest_ListResources
    self.assertRspecType( rspec, 'advertisement', typeOnly=typeOnly)
  File "/home/lnevers/gcf-1.6.2-rc3/src/", line 174, in assertRspecType
    raise WrongRspecType, msg
WrongRspecType: RSpec expected to have type 'advertisement' but schema was not correct.

Ran 13 tests in 281.269s

FAILED (failures=5)

Manifest RSpecs contain the wrong schema name and URL. A sample Manifest from the test run:

<rspec type="manifest" xmlns="" 

There are no Advertisement rspec type returned only type "manifest" even when expecting advertisement.

#34 fixed verify mechanism for protecting bbn-hn from SSH password-guessing attacks

The publically-accessible node bbn-hn allows password-based SSH login. Explain how the node is protected against password-guessing attacks. GPO will verify that the specified mechanism works before closing the ticket.

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