Custom Query (138 matches)


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Results (43 - 45 of 138)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#29 fixed site admins have inconsistent privileges in nagios installations

We attempted to access and view the following nagios installations:

using the following accounts:

  • chaos: a member of xoadmins (admin at all racks)
  • jbs: a member of bbnadmins (site admin at BBN)
  • cgolubit: a recently-created member of bbnadmins (site admin at BBN)

In testing these accounts, we see the following behavior which seems unexpected:

  1. When logged into the BBN rack, the cgolubit account sees the status "cgolubit (guest)", while the jbs account sees the status "jbs (admin)". I would expect those two accounts to have identical behavior.
  2. The service contact list for an arbitrary service contains chaos and jbs (as expected), but does not contain cgolubit. Therefore, if notifications were being sent, cgolubit would not receive them.
  3. The chaos account can login to the RENCI rack and gets status "chaos (admin)". The cgolubit account can login and gets status "cgolubit (user)". However, the jbs account cannot login, seeing the error:
    Your username (jbs) is listed more than once in
    This is not allowed. Please check your config.

Nagios behavior for site admins should be consistent, and ideally should be populated automatically so that new site admins and new sites see reasonable behavior.

#30 fixed need support for a per-user nagios e-mail notification setting

The ability is needed for individual admins to choose whether or not they want to receive e-mailed alerts from rack nagios installations to which they have access.

This doesn't need to be self-service ("ask RENCI to turn on the notification bit" is an acceptable implementation), but different users need to be able to choose different settings.

#31 somebody fixed Creating sliver with 1 VM at BBN and 1 VM at RENCI results in Error:Exception encountered

Created a sliver via ExoSM to request one VM from BBN rack and one VM from RENCI rack, which resulted in the following error:

$ ./src/ -a exosm createsliver experiment1 ./exorspec/EG-EXP-4_exp1.rspec 
INFO:omni:Loading config file omni_config
INFO:omni:Using control framework pgeni
WARNING:omni:Slice expires in <= 3 hours
INFO:omni:Slice expires on 2012-05-23 20:28:37 UTC
INFO:omni:Substituting AM nickname exosm with URL, URN unspecified_AM_URN
INFO:omni:Substituting AM nickname exosm with URL, URN unspecified_AM_URN
INFO:omni:Creating sliver(s) from rspec file ./exorspec/EG-EXP-4_exp1.rspec for slice
INFO:omni:Asked to reserve resources. Result:
INFO:omni:<!-- Reserved resources for:
	Slice: experiment1
	At AM:
INFO:omni: ------------------------------------------------------------
INFO:omni: Completed createsliver:

  Options as run:
		aggregate: exosm
		framework: pgeni
		native: True

  Args: createsliver experiment1 ./exorspec/EG-EXP-4_exp1.rspec

  Result Summary: Slice expires in <= 3 hours on 2012-05-23 20:28:37 UTC
Asked to reserve resources. No manifest Rspec returned. ERROR: Exception encountered: java.lang.NullPointerException 
INFO:omni: ============================================================

Attaching the RSpec used, which has been succesfully used in earlier testing.

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