Custom Query (98 matches)


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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#1 fixed setup instageni trac instance for InstaGENI testing

Set up a dedicated Trac instance for tickets needed during InstaGENI rack testing.

#2 somebody fixed Unable to use OpenVZ resources in slivers

Using version ??? on 04/25/2012, sent email to

Created a sliver with 2 OpenVZ hosts, the sliver was created successfully, but the sliverstatus shows that the 'pg_status' is 'not ready'. Attempts to login to the 2 nodes fail with a timeout. Connections were attempted over 40 minutes after sliver creation. This problem is reproducible

Response to the email:

On 4/25/12 11:15 PM, Robert Ricci wrote:

At this point, we are still debugging some problems in our OpenVZ image - our older Fedora 10 based image has trouble booting on the machines in these racks, and so we've had to move to a newer Fedora 15 image. We've resolved several obstacles with that image, but there are still a few kinks to iron out. We will keep you updated.

#3 somebody fixed listresources state mismatch for available nodes

Based on the listresources, the aggregate shows all nodes as available, but creating a sliver with two node of sliver_type "raw-pc" results in a failure that stated the the nodes requested are not available.

The full listresources output will be attached to the ticket, and the sliver creation error is shown here:

lnevers@sendaria:~/gcf-1.6.1$ ./src/ -a insta-utah createsliver lnrawv2 instageni-v2.rspec --api-version 2
INFO:omni:Loading config file omni_config
INFO:omni:Using control framework pgeni
INFO:omni:Slice expires within 1 day on 2012-04-27 23:51:54 UTC
INFO:omni:Substituting AM nickname insta-utah with URL, URN unspecified_AM_URN
INFO:omni:Substituting AM nickname insta-utah with URL, URN unspecified_AM_URN
INFO:omni:Creating sliver(s) from rspec file instageni-v2.rspec for slice
INFO:omni:Asked to reserve resources. Result:
INFO:omni:<!-- Reserved resources for:
	Slice: lnrawv2
	At AM:
INFO:omni: ------------------------------------------------------------
INFO:omni: Completed createsliver:

  Options as run:
		aggregate: insta-utah
		api_version: 2
		framework: pgeni
		native: True

  Args: createsliver lnrawv2 instageni-v2.rspec

  Result Summary: Slice expires within 1 day(s) on 2012-04-27 23:51:54 UTC
Asked to reserve resources. No manifest Rspec returned. *** Fixed physical node: pc2 not available.*** Fixed physical node: pc5 not available.*** Some fixed nodes failed to map*** Fixed physical node: pc2 not available.*** Fixed physical node: pc5 not available.*** Some fixed nodes failed to map*** ERROR: mapper: Unretriable error. Giving up.
seed = 1335573845
Physical Graph: 4
Calculating shortest paths on switch fabric.
Virtual Graph: 3
Generating physical equivalence classes:3
Type precheck:
Type precheck passed.
Node mapping precheck:
Node mapping precheck succeeded
Pruning pclasses.
pclass pruning complete: removed 2 pclasses, 1 remain.
Type precheck:
Type precheck passed.
Policy precheck:
Policy precheck succeeded
*** Fixed physical node: pc2 not available.
*** Fixed physical node: pc5 not available.
*** Some fixed nodes failed to map
Type precheck passed.
Node mapping precheck succeeded
Pruning pclasses.
pclass pruning complete: removed 2 pclasses, 1 remain.
Type precheck passed.
Policy precheck succeeded
*** Fixed physical node: pc2 not available.
*** Fixed physical node: pc5 not available.
*** Some fixed nodes failed to map
INFO:omni: ============================================================
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
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