
Version 80 (modified by Aaron Falk, 15 years ago) (diff)


Welcome to the GENI Wiki

This is the GENI Wiki, a living repository for information relating to the GENI design and GPO-led design process. The structure, governance, and charters for GENI working groups can be found here. To get a write account for this wiki, join a working group mailing list (any GENI list with a "-wg" suffix).

GENI Announcements

GENI Solicitation 2

The GPO's second solicitation for proposals to perform GENI development, prototyping, and integration has closed. Updates will be posted at

New GPO Documents

7/7/09 The GENI Project Office has revised a draft for discussion of GENI System Requirements.

Old Announcements

GENI Meetings

GENI Engineering Conferences.

The GEC is the GENI Project Office’s (GPO) regular open working meeting where researchers, developers, industrial & international partners and the GPO meet to advance infrastructure planning and prototyping for the GENI project. Further, the GEC focuses on how to design and build a suite of infrastructure that can best inspire and support creative research. The conference is open to all. The dates and locations below should be considered mostly firm until registration opens.

GEC1 October 9-11, 2007 Minneapolis, MN archives
GEC2 March 3-4, 2008 Arlington, VA archives
GEC3 October 20-31, 2008 Palo Alto, CA archives
GEC4 March 31-April 2, 2009Miami, FL archives
GEC5 July 20-22, 2009 Seattle,WA archives
GEC6 November 16-18, 2009 Salt Lake, UT register agenda, etc
GEC7 March 16-18, 2010 Arlington, VA
GEC8 July 20-22, 2010 TBD
GEC9 November 9-11, 2010 TBD
GEC10 March 29-April 1, 2011 TBD
GEC11 July 26-29, 2011 TBD

Other GENI Meetings & Workshops

[GeniTalks GENI Speaking Engagements]

Working Group Pages

Working groups are expected to be the locus of technical work required to develop the GENI architecture and design. They will author & review requirements and design documents and evaluate software and services contributed by Working Group (WG) members (some of which may be sponsored by the GENI Project Office). Working groups are expected to provide input to integration activities, design bake-offs, and other prototyping tasks. Emphasis is placed on technical contribution, including expression of the research community's needs and use cases, regardless of the source of financial support. Academic, industrial, and government lab participants are encouraged. more....

Each GENI working group has it's own wiki home page:

SPIRAL 1 Integration Information

GENI projects post information on what they are doing for Spiral 1 here, as does the GPO. These pages include project technical information, schedules and milestones, and information from related projects not funded by GENI. Keeping these pages current helps make planning, participating, and integrating easier for the GENI community.


GPO Documents: The GPO publishes system engineering and integration documents specifying the GENI design, integration, and operations here.

Working Group Documents: GENI working groups develop and publish documents. Unless otherwise noted, these documents represent the consensus of the publishing working group. Working drafts can be found on the individual working group wiki pages.

Contributed Documents: Documents contributed by members of the GENI community. May come from D&P projects. Listing is found here.

Older Documents: Pre-GPO documents (from 2005-2007) can be found here.

Mailing Lists

GENI Announce is a moderated list carrying important announcements about upcoming meetings, solicitations, and other useful information for the developer community.

GENI Discuss is an open list for general community discussion.

dev is an open list for GENI prototype developers.

See working group pages for information on working group mailing lists.

GENI Wiki Information

Getting Started: See Getting Started for information on how to post and site-wide conventions.

Admin: Need help? Contact Operations

Wiki Docs: GENI is using the Trac wiki and issue tracking software package. All GENI members currently share a single wiki. For help with the Trac software, including pages that explain how to format wiki text and create new pages, TracGuide is a good place to start. Please contact Operations for help, changes, or problems with this site.

Permissions: You must log in to the project wiki before you can edit any page. See Getting Started for how to get a login. Most pages in the wiki are editable by any logged-in user. This page (WikiStart) is a read-only page (admins can read and write). Project milestones can only be edited by the GPO. Contact a GPO member or Operations if you want to make changes to this or any other read-only page.

Index: For a complete list of local wiki pages, see TitleIndex.