== Background == In this experiment, we'll explore what you can do with on-campus WiMAX. More than '''[wiki:SpiralFour#a4.GENIWiMAXMeso-ScaleDeployments a dozen campuses]''' are now participating in GENI WiMAX. While anybody can use GENI WiMAX remotely, if you are on or near a WiMAX campus you can also do interactive, mobile, and live experiments. == Experiment Setup == In this experiment, we'll run a '''WebRTC''' video chat in which one participant is using a commodity laptop equipped with a USB WiMAX dongle. (The other participant is connected to the Internet over WiFi). WebRTC is a new and evolving video standard for enabling voice, video, and data communications in the browser - without plugins. A diverse and vibrant ecosystem of applications using WebRTC has grown up and around the standard in the last year.