'''[wiki:WiMAX/WiMAX-Tutorial/Dash/06 Previous]'' == Testing other DASH Policies == Repeat this experiment by loading the client image for another policy and re-running the experiment. {{{ omf load -i gec17_dash_policy_2.ndz -t node1-3.outdoor.orbit-lab.org omf tell -a on -t node1-3.outdoor.orbit-lab.org omf exec -C omf-expctl.yaml wmxtutor-dash.rb }}} {{{ omf load -i gec17_dash_policy_3.ndz -t node1-3.outdoor.orbit-lab.org omf tell -a on -t node1-3.outdoor.orbit-lab.org omf exec -C omf-expctl.yaml wmxtutor-dash.rb }}} and pushing the data and log files to iRODs for each experiment run: {{{ iarchive -e expID -c dash }}} try creating the same plots as before from the new '''expID'''.sq3 file. A description of some sample results is given on the [wiki:WiMAX/WiMAX-Tutorial/Dash/08 next page]. You can also try creating other plots if you have extra time. For example: * In the 'wmxstat_status' table, plot 'oml_seq' on the x-axis and 'cinr' on the y-axis to see how WiMAX signal quality changes over the duration of the experiment (it should be by very little, only a few dB at most). * Find out the average video rate for each policy by plotting (in the 'vlc_dashRateAdaptation' table) 'oml_sender_id' on the x-axis and 'chosenRate_bps' on the y-axis (this will generate one data point which is the average value) * Find out the actual rate at which each segment is downloaded by plotting 'oml_seq' on the x-axis and 'empiricalRate_bps' on the y-axis (in 'vlc_dashRateAdapatation') * Verify the policy behavior we described by plotting 'oml_seq' on the x-axis and 'decisionRate_bps' on the y-axis (in 'vlc_dashRateAdapatation') [[br]] '''[wiki:WiMAX/WiMAX-Tutorial/Dash/08 Next]''