= The TIED Clearinghouse = The TIED clearinghouse presents two primary services to users: * Experimenter Registration * Slice Management * Aggregate Management * Experimental tools This page outlines those services and how an experimenter can make use of them. Most of these services are provided to one extent or another by DETER's [http://fedd.isi.deterlab.net fedd] software. We [wiki:TIEDFeddMapping describe] the mapping to fedd as well. == Experimenter Registration == TIED currently makes access control decisions based on both the identity of a user and on the attributes that TIED knows about the user. The user's identity is encoded in a [http://fedd.isi.deterlab.net/trac/wiki/FeddAbout#GlobalIdentifiers:Fedids fedid], the TIED version of a GENI ID. A fedid can be created by any user using standard SSL commands, but the advantage of using the TIED experimenter registry is that it binds additional information to that identity. Specifically, this creates a [http://fedd.isi.deterlab.net/trac/wiki/FeddAbout#GlobalIdentifiers:Three-levelNames three-level name] for the experimenter. This allows the TIED federation daemon to negotiate different levels of access with the aggregates with which the TIED clearinghouse federates. == Slice Management == For TIED, slice management is the creation and manipulation of experiments that span multiple facilities. One can think of the facilities as aggregates, each of whaich controls access to a set of resources. Currently TIED supports creation of slices across testbeds with an Emulab interface and that run instances of [http://fedd.isi.deterlab.net fedd] that act as aggregate managers. In addition ti the experimenter interface to slices, TIED provides interfaces that allow experimental tools to be used in the slice. == Component/Aggregate Management == The TIED clearinghouse manages the access control of multiple sites as aggregates. It provides a unified access control model across aggregates and provides a unified interface for alloacting resources from them. Currently Emulab-based testbeds are used as aggregates, but development is underway to access other systems through the same interfaces. == Experiment Tools == Most tools that use the Emulab testbed interfaces can be seamlessly used on TIED slices. In particular the DETER [http://seer.isi.deterlab.net SEER] tool can be used to transparently manipulate experiments inside TIED slices. = Using the TIED Clearinghouse = This brief tutorial will show how to register with TIED, create a slice, connect to it using SEER, and finally to terminate the slice. == Registering with TIED == Registering with TIED is a two phase process. An experimenter first joins a DETER project that is set aside for TIED/GENI users, and then [http://fedd.isi.deterlab/net fedd] is configured with the additional attributes that allow slice operation. The experimenter sees only the step of joining the DETER group. Joining the TIED project on DETER is just like joining a project on any Emulab-based testbed. If you are a DETER user, just log in and choose "Join an Existing Project" from the Experimentation menu. If not the detailed instructions follow. Connect to http://www.isi.deterlab.net and click on the "Request Account" button and from the next screen the "Join an Existing Project" link. Fill out the form as instructed and be sure to enter "TIED" in the "Project Name" field. Shortly the TIED staff will approve you as a TIED member and also add appropriate configuration to the slice management portion of fedd to allow you to create slices. You will receive two e-mail messages, one stating you've been approved in the TIED group and one indicating that you've been granted the authority to create slices. Once you have received both messages, you can create slices. [[Image(screen1.png)]] [[Image(screen2.png)]] (Incidentally, you also have a fully functional DETER account.) == Slice Management == TIED keeps a record of slices and allows users to recreate them or terminate running ones through a web interface. The current list is available from https://www.isi.deterlab.net/fedd_list.php3 (you must be logged in using your TIED account to view this page). An example is below. [[Image(screen3.png)]] The image is of the logical slice topology, it does not indicate which aggregates donated which nodes. The master testbed column indicates which testbed is exporting its user environment into the experiment. For TIED slices, this will usually be the DETER testbed. The project column will be TIED for TIED experimenters; it indicates that the DETER TIED project is being exported into the slice. The name of the slice is a mnemonic name attached to the slice. It also has a [http://fedd.isi.deterlab.net/trac/wiki/FeddAbout#GlobalIdentifiers:Fedids fedid] this is not visible from this interface. Finally there are buttons to create or terminate this slice, active based on the current status of the slice. One can create a slice either by activating one of the existing slice descriptions, which will create the slice based on its last configuration, or by going directly to the [https://www.isi.deterlab.net/fedd_create.php3 slice creation page] and providing a slice description. Slice descriptions are written in a modified ns2 language, extended to describe the embedding of nodes in the various aggregates. The language is [http://fedd.isi.deterlab.net/trac/wiki/FeddAbout#ExperimentDescriptions briefly described] in the fedd documentation. The configuration file used to describe each of the examples on [ttps://www.isi.deterlab.net/fedd_list.php3 the slice listing page] is available from that page as a starting point. Fedd's documentation on [http://fedd.isi.deterlab.net/trac/wiki/FeddAbout#Experiments experiment creation] provides detail on how experiments are created from the description. In reading that document from a GENI perspective, it helps to think of experiments as slices and testbeds as aggregates (the aggregate interface is provided by fedd).