Changes between Version 11 and Version 12 of OpenFlow/Slicer/TestPlan

11/12/14 11:37:26 (9 years ago)



  • OpenFlow/Slicer/TestPlan

    v11 v12  
    33= GENI OpenFlow Slicer Test Plan =
     4This test plan is for validating requirements that are defined in the [wiki:OpenFlow/Slicer/Requirements GENI Slicer Requirements].  The focus of this test plan is testing that the requirements are satisfied in an environment that is close to how the slicer will be used in production.  In other words, it is not focused on unit testing.  This is also not a full blown integration test.  A lot of the data plane traffic is simple ICMP ping traffic.  Also, any of the limitations of the substrate will not be held against the slicer as part of this test plan.
    5 Intro describing goals of testing (restate the goals from the requirements but as validation).  Make sure to provide a link to the [wiki:OpenFlow/Slicer/Requirements GENI Slicer Requirements] that the plan is based on. If specific types of traffic are verified for each test case (ex. UDP, TCP, ICMP..) then make sure it is stated as a validation goal.
     6== Expected test outcome ==
     7 * All test steps verifying a MUST requirement will be satisfied.
     8 * All test steps verifying a SHOULD requirement will be satisfied with special exceptions made only when they seem reasonable.
     9 * Any test steps that verify a MAY will have the results documented as features that operators can consider, but they will not count against the test plan.
     10 * Any test steps that verify an item from the wish list will have the results documented as features that operators can consider, but they will not count against the test plan.
    7 Describe the expected outcome:
    8  - validation of all requirement to determine which are met (must, may, and wishlist).
    9  - validation of interactions with currently supported substrate (vendors, versions)
    10  - validation of interactions with currently available Service abstraction layer.
    11  - description of how status will be made available (periodic emails or wiki pages updates?) (where?)
    12  - final test report (wiki pages?) (where?)
     12== Tracking progress during testing ==
     13 * Test plan progress and results will be tracked at '''FIXME'''
     14 * Issues uncovered during testing must be tracked using a ticket system.  This ticket system can be provided by the slicer developers, or it can be the GENI wiki ticketing system.
     15 * Validated slice software versions will be documented at '''FIXME'''
     16 * If you would like for a specific piece of software to be tested, please contact '''FIXME'''
    1418==  Assumptions and Dependencies ==
    16 Describe any assumptions, for example:
    17  - slicer software must interact with OF v1.0
    18  - slicer software should interact with OF v1.3
    19  - Slicer must interact with specific OF switches: x, y, z...
    20  - Slicer must interact with service abstraction layer: x, y, z....
    21  - Documentation must is available describing configuration and usage.
    23 Describe dependencies, for example:
    24  - Tests will use the GENI AM API where possible.  Most tests cannot be completed without the AM API
     19 * Slicer software must interact with OpenFlow v1.0
     20 * Slicer must interact any hardware or software OpenFlow 1.0 switch that is not running in a VLAN-based hybrid mode.
     21 * Documentation must is available describing configuration and usage
     22 * Slice operations will be performed using the GENI AM API where possible.  Most tests cannot be completed without the AM API.
    2624= Slicer Test Cases =