
Version 1 (modified by Vic Thomas, 14 years ago) (diff)


OnTimeMeasure: Centralized and Distributed Measurement Orchestration Software

Quarterly Status Report Document for Global Environment for Network Innovations (GENI) Spiral 2 Project # 1764

Prasad Calyam (PI) and Paul Schopis (Co-PI)

Ohio Supercomputer Center/OARnet, The Ohio State University

March 2010

I. Major accomplishments

A. Milestones achieved

In our second quarter in the GENI Spiral 2, we have made significant progress towards our milestones [1]. A summary of our accomplishments is as follows:

  • We successfully completed our third milestone (OnTime: S2.c: Platform setup for OnTimeMeasure-GENI) as planned.
  • We successfully completed our fourth milestone (OnTime: S2.d: Demo of basic OnTimeMeasure-GENI functionality at GEC7) as planned.
  • We have also made progress towards the GPO requirement to collaborate with related GENI measurement and security projects on a common GENI instrumentation and measurement architecture.

B. Deliverables made

  • Presentation of project overview and high-level design in Cluster C Call on Jan 27th 2010.

  • Completion of development and deployment platform setup before the deadline, as part of milestone OnTime: S2.c. The details of the platforms have been published on the GENI project website in the "Spiral 2 Connectivity" section.

  • Demonstration of our OnTimeMeasure-GENI measurement service prototype at GEC7 sessions (Cluster C Meeting, Demo Reception), as part of milestone OnTime: S2.d. We have also tagged this prototype software version for future reference. Information about our prototype has been published on the GENI project website in the "Current Capabilities" section.

  • Presented our experiences of setting up and using ProtoGENI slices at GEC7 Cluster C Meeting. The goal of the presentation was to inform current and future users of ProtoGENI aggregate about useful information sources and possible issues/workarounds. The presentation has been published on the GENI project website in the "Project Technical Documents" section.

  • Published a revised high-level design document of our "OnTimeMeasure: centralized and distributed measurement software v1.0" on the GENI project website. The revisions are based on our prototype development experiences and services terminology discussions in the I&M Working Group.

  • Submitted an REU request to be included in the GPO’s effort to obtain funding from NSF to support undergraduate research in GENI projects.

  • Published measurement service use-cases on the GENI project website to help with the GPO’s effort to integrate the deliverables of the various measurement projects.

  • Published quarterly status report document on the GENI project website.

II. Description of work performed during last quarter

A. Activities and findings

Details of our activities and findings during last quarter (Q1 2010) are as follows:

i. Platform setup activities for OnTimeMeasure-GENI:

We successfully completed our third milestone (OnTime: S2.c: Platform setup for OnTimeMeasure-GENI) as planned. We setup a development platform on our OARnet backbone, and a deployment platform on the distributed ProtoGENI aggregate [2] [3]. The platforms had the relevant resources (e.g. instrumented-nodes, network paths, software modules, databases, web-servers) required for our project work. Scripts and documentation to configure and deploy our prototype software were generated as part of this milestone. Further, we setup systems and defined a software engineering process for internal project task tracking, source version control management, and bug-tracking to aid in our on-going software development and testbed deployment efforts.

ii. GEC7 trip report:

We successfully completed our fourth milestone (OnTime: S2.d: Demo of basic OnTimeMeasure-GENI functionality at GEC7) as planned. Prasad Calyam (Project PI) and Weiping Mandrawa (Network Software Engineer) attended the GEC7 in Durham and presented the OnTimeMeasure-GENI prototype demo at the networking reception. The demo showcased basic functionality of a measurement service for user experiments on the geographically distributed ProtoGENI aggregate. The demo featured a web-portal [4] ( for submitting measurement requests, controlling the measurement service, and querying measurement data within a ProtoGENI slice. Prasad and Weiping also participated in various sessions by presenting demos and talks. Further, they had discussions with potential measurement service users as well as developers of other project teams, and informed each other about project progress and next steps.

iii. GENI instrumentation and measurement architecture discussions:

We have also made progress towards the GPO requirement to collaborate with related GENI measurement and security projects on a common GENI instrumentation and measurement architecture. Based on the discussions in the Cluster C as well as the I&M Working Group meetings at GEC7, we have modified our high-level design document to reflect the services terminology used in the I&M Working Group. We have also contributed measurement service use-cases to help with the GPO’s effort to integrate the deliverables of the various measurement projects.

iv. Service activities relevant to the GENI community:

Prasad Calyam, PI and Paul Schopis, Co-PI have also been involved in various service activities in the GENI community. Specifically, Prasad is a committee member of the "The Quilt GENI Workshop" whose goal is to: Engage and educate the community stakeholders that are not already involved in GENI by providing relevant projects information, best practices and lessons learned from campus deployments.

Prasad and Paul are moderating a biweekly call, and are leading an effort with participants from The Ohio State University (OSU), OARnet, MERIT, NLR, StarLight, RENCI, and Wayne State University (WSU) to establish L2/L3 connectivity between the Kansei-GENI testbed at OSU, Neteye-GENI testbed at WSU and the ORCA clearing house at RENCI. Prasad will present about the experiences from this campus deployment case study at the Quilt GENI Workshop that will be collocated with GEC8. The L2/L3 connection is also expected to be featured in a GEC8 demo of the Kansei-GENI project.

Prasad led a discussion on "How should an active measurement service operate within an experimenter's slice (encompassing Internet2 backbone resources) in the GENI facility?" in the Performance Working Group session at the ESCC/Internet2 Joint Techs Conference, February 2nd 2010, Salt Lake City. The purpose of the discussion was to inform the ESnet and Internet2 communities about the measurement service activities in GENI and obtain working group participants feedback.

Prasad submitted an REU request to be included in the GPO’s effort to obtain funding from NSF to support undergraduate research in GENI projects. The request was for supporting one undergraduate student for a period of 1-year to assist in the research and prototype implementation of measurement analysis techniques relating to network anomaly detection, and fault diagnosis.

B. Project participants

The following participants have helped in the execution of the project activities this quarter:

  • Prasad Calyam (PI) - Ohio Supercomputer Center/OARnet
  • Paul Schopis (Co-PI) - OARnet
  • Weiping Mandrawa (Network Software Engineer) - OARnet

  • Kunpeng (Tony) Zhu (Graduate Student Programmer) - Ohio Supercomputer Center
  • Chris Hartley (Network Testbed Engineer) - OARnet

C. Publications (individual and organizational)

D. Outreach activities

  • P. Calyam, How should an active measurement service operate within an experimenter's slice (encompassing Internet2 backbone resources) in the GENI facility?, Winter ESCC/Internet2 Joint Techs Conference, Salt Lake City, February 2nd 2010.

E. Collaborations

We have started collaborations with ProtoGENI and GMOC [5] project teams, and are attending Cluster C conference calls regularly. We have been using the ProtoGENI mailing list to ask questions and report problems, and the ProtoGENI team responses have been prompt and helpful. We had several interesting discussions with the Instrumentation Tools project [6] team who have similar development and deployment issues in ProtoGENI. As they have already made substantial progress in integrating their software into ProtoGENI in GENI Spiral 1, we were able to learn from their experiences. For better integration of our measurement service into the GENI facility, we are investigating RSpec extensions [7] [8], user authentication and credential delegation [9] in the ProtoGENI project, as well as the LAMP project’s prospectus (i.e., common schema for measurement data and metadata) [10]. We plan to work closely with the ProtoGENI and LAMP project teams in order to take advantage of their efforts in our project.

F. Other Contributions



We would like to acknowledge the following individuals for participating in our project discussions and providing useful suggestions:

  • Thomas Bitterman - Ohio Supercomputer Center
  • Robert Ricci - University of Utah
  • Chris Small - Indiana University
  • James Griffoen - University of Kentucky
  • Hussamuddin Nasir - University of Kentucky
  • Mukundan Sridharan - The Ohio State University


[1] OnTimeMeasure -

[2] ProtoGENI -

[3] ProtoGENI Backbone -

[4] OnTimeMeasure GEC7 Demo -

[5] GMOC -

[6] Instrumentation Tools -

[7] ProtoGENI RSpec -

[8] ProtoGENI RSpec Extensions -

[9] ProtoGENI User Authentication and Credential Delegation -

[10] LAMP -

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. CNS-0940805. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of BBN Technologies, Corp., the GENI Project Office, or the National Science Foundation.