Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Mid-Atlantic Crossroads-4Q10-status

08/04/10 18:05:14 (14 years ago)
Vic Thomas



  • Mid-Atlantic Crossroads-4Q10-status

    v1 v1  
     7 === Milestone MAX.S2.o: DRAGON Aggregate Manager Enhancement Updated Implementation ===
     8  (Completed on time 06/30/2010)
     10 Complete updated implementation of enhanced DRAGON Aggregate Manager based on design work in milestone Task MAX.S2.c. This updated implementation will extend the work completed in MAX.S2.h to include features for more robust user authorization and resource verification (topology computation) techniques.
     13During this time period we have completed the implementation of all the core features and capabilities of the MAX Aggregate Manager.  The MAX GENI Aggregate Manager has two key functional areas:
     14      * Client Facing Service Interface: In this context the "client" is a clearinghouse, a slice manager, another aggregate manager, an experimenter/user or any entity which is requesting services directly from the MAX GENI Aggregate Manager. The main implementation task for this functional area was to build the service interface to handle client service requests and interact with the backend processing on behalf of these requests.
     15      * Backend Resource Manager Controller: This is the implementation of the backend processing and interfaces to interact, maintain states, and control other resource managers like !PlanetLab MyPLC, DRAGON Network Provisioning system controllers, and ProtoGENI Aggregate Manager.
     17 The two key features we added to the MAX Aggregate Manager during this reporting period are as follows:
     18       * User Authentication and Authorization based on Web Service Security standards.  This new capability utilizes WS-Security standards and x509 certificates for user authentication for access to the MAX GENI facility resources via the Aggregate Manager.  In addition, the MAX Aggregate Manager integrates this user authentication and authorization with the existing !PlanetLab, DRAGON, and !ProtoGeni user authentication and authorization methods to allow for Slice Creation which includes capabilities from multiple resources.
     19       * Enhanced RSpec based topology specification.  The MAX Aggregate Manager now includes enhanced features for RSpec based specification and description of  GENI slices.   During this reporting period we have added the ability for users to include ProtoGENI RSpecs as part of a request to the MAX Aggregate Manager.  As a result, a user can request a Slice topology which includes RSpec definitions for MAX DRAGON, !PlanetLab, and !ProtoGeni resources.  For !ProtoGeni resources our current focus is on their wide area infrastructure.  The !ProtoGeni infrastructure includes connections in Washington DC, Kansas City, and Salt Lake City.   The MAX and ProtoGENI network are interconnected in Washington DC.   As a result, the intention of including !ProtoGeni style RSpecs in MAX Aggregate Manager requests is to allow MAX users to interconnect to other facilities (such as GpENI) via ProtoGENI.
     21Additional information regarding the MAX Aggregate Manager is available on the project web site:
     23The currently deployed capabilities are available via the following mechanisms.
     24    * MAX Aggregate Manager Service Interface
     25        * Human Readable Service Definition via Web Browser (!FireFox)
     26        * SOAP API Interface
     27    * MAX !MyPLC Service Interface
     28        * Human Web Browser Interface
     29        * XML-RPC/SOAP Interface
     30    * DRAGON Network Provisioning Interface
     31        * Web Browser Provisioning Interface:<br>
     32        * Human Readable Service Definition via Web Browser (!FireFox)<br>
     33    * SOAP API Interface<br>
     36=== Milestone MAX.S2.p: DRAGON Aggregate Manager Common Control Framework Integration Plan ===
     37(Completed on time 06/30/2010)
     39Develop a design and implementation plan for the DRAGON Aggregate Manager to incorporate the results of the common/interoperable control framework approach developed in MAX.S2.j.
     42We have completed our design and integration plan for the MAX Aggregate Manager and the associated control framework.  The design of the common control framework is as described in milestone MAX.S2.j and MAX.S2.i status.  This includes a set of web service based capabilities that users (experimenters, clearinghouse, slice manager, etc) can utilize to build GENI experiment topologies.  The MAX Aggregate Manager set of services have slightly different names and also expands on those defined in the GENI Common Control Framework described here:
     44A key enhanced feature is a web service call which enables resource topology discovery and experiment topology requests which allow RSpec formats from multiple systems to be included (such as !PlanetLab, MAX DRAGON network resources, ProtoGENI).  Our design and integration approach is to utilize our common control framework and integrate other resources as available and needed for specific experiment topology creation.
     48=== Milestone MAX.S2.q: DRAGON Aggregate Manager Common Control Framework Integration Implementation ===
     49(Completed on time 06/30/2010)
     51Incorporate aggregate manager interoperabiilty and common control framework features needed into the DRAGON Aggregate Manager, based on milestone MAX.S2.p.
     54The common control framework has been incorporated into the MAX Aggregate Manager.  This includes the following web services/capabilities:
     55!ListCapabilities [[BR]]
     56!ListNodes [[BR]]
     57!ListSlices [[BR]]
     58!CreateSlice [[BR]]
     59!DeleteSlice [[BR]]
     60!UpdateSlice [[BR]]
     61!StartSlice [[BR]]
     62!StopSlice [[BR]]
     63!QuerySlice [[BR]]
     64!CreateSliceVlan [[BR]]
     65!DeleteSliceVlan [[BR]]
     66!QuerySliceVlan [[BR]]
     67!CreateSliceNetwork [[BR]]
     68!DeleteSliceNetwork [[BR]]
     69!QuerySliceNetwork [[BR]]
     70!GetResourceTopology [[BR]]
     72From a common control framework perspective, the following features are of special note:
     73 * The !CreateSliceNetwork allows users to request Slice/Sliver instantiation via use of !PlanetLab MAX RSpecs.  In addition, a !ProtoGENI style RSpec can be utilized to request that the MAX Substrate resources be stitched to !ProtoGENI wide area network resources.  This combination allows users to request experiment specific topologies which include resources from the MAX Substrate (!PlanetLab Host Slices, MAX DRAGON Network resources) and wide area connections to other facilities/substrates across wide area infrastructures such as !ProtoGeni and !Internet2 ION.
     74 * The !GetResourceTopology can be utilized to return a description of the entire MAX Substrate.  From this information users can formulate specific experiment Slice requests in the form of RSpec descriptions.
     77=== Milestone MAX.S2.r: DRAGON Aggregate Manager Common Control Framework Integration Testing ===
     78(Completed on time 06/30/2010)
     80Conduct testing with updated DRAGON Aggregate Manager and common control framework. Document results and changes needed.
     83We have tested and demonstrated setting up of GENI Experiment Topologies which utilize the MAX Aggregate Manager control framework.   These experiment topologies can currently include resources from any of the following facilities:
     84 * MAX Substrate !PlanetLab Host Resources.  The MAX Aggregate Manger interacts with the !MyPLC controller via the standard !MyPLC interface.
     85 * MAX Substrate DRAGON dynamic network resources.  MAX DRAGON dynamic network resources are based on the !InterDomain Controller (IDC) system.  As a result other IDC based dynamic networks will also be interoperable with the MAX GENI Aggregate Manager.  This includes !ESnet Science Data Network (SDN), Internet ION, !USLHCNet, !JGN2, !GEANT !AutoBahn, and several other regional networks.
     86 * !ProtoGENI Wide Area Network Resources.  For this capability we have integrated the !ProtoGENI API (python based) into the MAX Aggregate Manager. As a result a user may request an experiment topology which includes a !ProtoGENI style !RSpec to include !ProtoGENI resources into the dynamic experiment topology.
     88At the time of this report we have completed initial testing using the !ProtoGENI  control framework to requests connections across the !ProtoGENI wide area infrastructure to the !GpENI substrate.  We are planning to show this at the GEC8 demonstration session.  The below link points to a web page which details the MAX Aggregate Manger !GetResourceTopology and !CreateSliceNetwork calls which includes MAX DRAGON and !PlanetLab resources.  This is from MAX Aggregate Manager provisioning tests and includes a drawing of the dynamically provisioned experiment topology.
     89 *
     91Based on this implementation and testing experience, we have identified several areas which we believe will require more work by the community to facilitate experiment topology instantiation across multiple aggregates.  These include the following:
     92 * Mechanisms are needed for aggregates to share topology information which provide for identification of substrate interconnect points and associated capabilities.  This is needed to allow for the automated calculation and provisioning of stitching points.
     93 * Aggregates Manager features sets should include an ability to accept constraints on provisioning requests in order to facilitate the stitching process and probability of success.  An ability to accept VLAN ranges or specific VLAN suggestions is the main constraint needed to facilitate stitching.  This has been an issue for us in terms of integration of !ProtoGENI provisioning into our Slice creation.
     94 * For multi-substrate GENI Slice creation, there is a need for intelligent slice managers.  The intelligent agents need to know how to make decisions about the provisioning actions needed  across multiple substrates, and how to make the appropriate request to multiple aggregate managers.
     95 * Further work is needed on the federated integration of host based resources to allow creation of topologies which may include !PlanetLab, !EmuLab, and other host based resources which may be distributed across multiple substrates.
     99=== MAX.S2.s: User Tool DRAGON Framework Implementation ===
     100(Completed on time 06/30/2010)
     102Incorporate user tools identified in milestone MAX.S2.l into the DRAGON facility and control framework
     105During this reporting period we have completed implementation of JAVA based reference API.  This is a fully functional API that users can use from the command line or incorporate into their experiment specific application to request GENI Slices from the MAX Aggregate Manager.  This API is available at the below link:
     106 *
     108This API includes use of  standard WS-Security and x509 certificates for authentication and resource control.  The README file in the API software distribution provides instructions on how to generate key and certificate signing request, and then submit to MAX for approval.
     110The below document provides an overview of how to utilize this API in the context of an experiment topology instantiation:
     111 *
     113The intention of this API is to provide a simple mechanism for users to access MAX GENI Substrate resources.
     116=== MAX.S2.t: User Support ===
     117(Completed on time 06/30/2010)
     119Work with and support interested users on use of the DRAGON GENI Facility.
     121'''Status: '''
     122This task includes outreach and support of external researchers who would like to use the MAX GENI facilities.  Our primary efforts thru this reporting period have been focused on development of the MAX Aggregate Manager capabilities,  interconnects to other network/substrate resources, and user APIs.  We feel this was necessary in order for users to have a set of tools of sufficient simplicity and robustness for their work.  With the release of the MAX Aggregate Manger client API during this reporting period, this work is now complete.  As a result, direct outreach to existing and potential new users will be a key focus for the next Quarter reporting period.   We currently have MAX users who are focused on the network resources but not the other GENI resources available on MAX or connected substrates.  We are planning to discuss with them their needs and make sure they are aware of GENI resources available.  In addition, we are planning to reach out to other university and government researchers in the MAX region in an attempt to identify others that may benefit thru use of the MAX GENI substrate. 
     126=== MAX.S2.u: DRAGON Aggregate Manager Documentation ===
     127(Completed on time 06/30/2010)
     129Update the design and installation documents for the DRAGON Aggregate Manager. Provide updated open source software distribution of GENI DRAGON Aggregate Manager and other related software.
     132The MAX GENI Aggregate Manager documentation has been updated to reflect the latest feature and implementation details.  The below web site contains the Aggregate manager documentation:
     133 *
     135The documentation located here provides instructions on how to install the MAX Aggregate Manager for those interested in deploying the system to control their own set of substrate resources.  In addition, this site includes documentation for those who desire to utilize the MAX Aggregate Manager Web Service interface to request instantiation of MAX GENI resources.  Documentation is also provided for installation and use for of the reference MAX Aggregate Manager API.  This API provides a set of tools to greatly facilitate access to all the available MAX GENI capabilities.
     137We will continue to update the main project web site ( with the latest software distributions and configuration documents.  Below is a listing of the locations of some of the most critical components:
     139MAX-DRAGON-GENI Aggregate Manager Repository:
     140 svn://
     142MAX Aggregate API Reference Implementation
     143 [[BR]]
     146!PlanetLab Control Framework MAX RSPEC:
     149!PlanetLab Control Framework SFA:
     152DRAGON Software Repositories:
     153 svn://
     156DRAGON/OSCARS/IDC Software Package: