= GENI Experimenters How-to Using Omni tools = This page provides an overview of the actions required by an experimenter to run a GENI experiment using resources from multiple resource aggregates. For an overview of available GENI experiment options and resources see the [wiki:AvailableAggregates Available Aggregates] page. While working through these examples, you may need to interact with the GENI Infrastructure group to setup specific resources for you (e.g. VLAN or OF VLAN), at a high level, the steps to run a GENI Experiment include: * Get credentials from '''one''' Clearinghouse, this allows you to access multiple aggregates.[[BR]] * Install and configure Omni tools [[BR]] * Use the Omni tools to create a slice [[BR]] * Request resources from one or more aggregates to add to the slice [[BR]] * and of course, run the experiment. [[Image(GENIExperimenter-workflow.jpg)]] This page focuses on resource allocation with Omni tools, other tools exists to assist the experimenter with resource allocation but are not covered here. Two supporting examples are provided to illustrate the steps needed to run an experiment with GENI resources, each example has a unique scope: * [wiki:GENIExperimenter/ExperimentExample GENI Experiment Example 1] covers how to configure and use Omni tools to reserve compute resources from multiple resource aggregates (PG & PL). This example has no specific network requirement, it simply focuses on getting host resources allocated for an experiment. * [wiki:GENIExperimenter/ExperimentExample-OF GENI OpenFlow Experiment Example 2] covers how to use Omni tools to request !OpenFlow resources as part of an experiment that also uses PG & MyPLC compute resources. The scenario assumes that the experimenter is running an OF controller. == 1. Get GENI Credentials == To access GENI resources, an experimenter must have GENI credentials! If you don't have credentials, follow the instructions at SignMeUp. '''Note:''' If you have an account with a Clearinghouse other than pgeni.gpolab.bbn.com (e.g. www.emulab.net, planet-lab.org) you can still use Omni to reserve resources but you will not be able to complete the above two examples so we strongly recommend that you [wiki:SignMeUp sign up] with GPO's clearing house. The Clearinghouse must have a copy of your existing or newly generated SSH public key, which is placed on the allocated resource to allow access. The Omni tools automatically upload your SSH public key when you create a slice, so if you plan to use Omni tools you can skip the manual SSH key upload. Without Omni tools, this is done manually by logging into the server ([https://www.pgeni.gpolab.bbn.com GPO ProtoGENI],[https://planet-lab.org PlanetLab], or [https://www.emulab.net Emulab]) and uploading the SSH keys that you will use to run the experiment. For [https://planet-lab.org PlanetLab], the ssh key manual uploaded is in the ''My Account'' page in the ''keys'' section. For ProtoGENI [https://www.emulab.net Emulab], the manual key uploaded in the ''Profile'' tab in the ''Edit SSH Keys'' page. A SSL certificate is also required to manage access to GENI resources. For !PlanetLab resources, the user generates his/her own SSL certificate, while for the ProtoGENI Clearinghouses the experimenter uses the ProtoGENI server to generate the SSL certificate. On the [https://www.pgeni.gpolab.bbn.com GPO ProtoGENI], and [https://www.emulab.net Emulab] servers, the SSL certificate is generated in the ''Profile'' tab, use the ''Generate SSL certificate'' option to create and download an encrypted SSL certificate. The encrypted certificate must be passphrase protected and should be downloaded into your ''~/.ssl '' directory. If you do not want to type the SSL certificate passphrase each time your certificate is used, see these optional [wiki:GENIExperimenter/ExperimentCredentials#OptionalRemovingofSSLPasswordPrompt instructions] to remove the pass-phrase prompt. == 2. Get Omni Tools == To get access to the GENI resources you can use the OMNI client which is part of the [http://trac.gpolab.bbn.com/gcf/wiki GENI Control Framework] (GCF) software package. Get the GCF package at this [http://trac.gpolab.bbn.com/gcf/wiki/GettingGcf GCF location] and install it using the [http://trac.gpolab.bbn.com/gcf/wiki/QuickStart Quick Start] instructions. Once the GCF package is installed, configure the [http://trac.gpolab.bbn.com/gcf/wiki/Omni Omni tools] by defining the Clearinghouse and user credentials that you plan to use for accessing the resources. For the supporting GENI Experiment Examples 1 and 2, the Omni configuration file is modified to includes settings shown [wiki:GENIExperimenter/ExperimentExample#OmniConfiguration here]. For users who have existing accounts at [https://planet-lab.org PlanetLab] or [https://www.emulab.net Emulab] and want to use those credentials, information on how to configure Omni for those clearinghouses can be found at [http://trac.gpolab.bbn.com/gcf/wiki/OmniPlanetLab Omni PlanetLab] page or the [http://trac.gpolab.bbn.com/gcf/wiki/OmniProtoGeni ProtoGENI Omni] page. == 3. Define Required Resources == You are now ready to define the resources required for your experiment. The Omni tools can be used to query a Resource Aggregate to get a list of available resources. In the supporting [wiki:GENIExperimenter/ExperimentExample GENI Experiment Example 1] page, an example is provided that show how to [wiki:GENIExperimenter/ExperimentExample#Listavailableresources list available resources] in the PG and PL aggregates. The results can be used to generate an RSPEC that defines the resource you would like to use in the experiment. Example Rspec files are available for [http://trac.gpolab.bbn.com/gcf/wiki/OmniPlanetLab#PlanetLabRSpecs PlanetLab resources] and for [http://trac.gpolab.bbn.com/gcf/wiki/OmniProtoGeni#ProtoGENIRSpec ProtoGENI resources]. More RSpec details can be found at the ProtoGENI [http://www.protogeni.net/trac/protogeni/wiki/RSpec site]. Also for a list of GENI aggregates that are currently available for GENI users see the list of available aggregates at the [wiki:ExperimenterPortal GENI Experimenter Portal] page. In defining your experiment resources, you need to determine if VLANs are to be used. The following VLAN options are available for GENI Experiments: 1. ProtoGENI VLAN (Internet2 only) available via the ProtoGENI [http://protogeni.net/flack.html Flack] client. 2. !OpenFlow VLAN, current state available at GENI [wiki:NetworkCore Network Core] page 3. Static VLANs which are setup for NLR, Internet2, Regional Providers, and Campuses. If you decide that no VLANs are needed, simply ignore the VLAN and OF VLAN details below and proceed to the Get Resources step below. If you are planning to use static or OF VLANs in your GENI experiment, you can reference the GENI [wiki:ConnectivityHome Connectivity Home] page for background and recommendations to set up GENI connections and experiments. Static VLAN are mostly set up as single or multiple VLANs that may or may not use VLAN Translation. There are other options, which are less common and they include: Layer 2 Tunneling, Direct Fiber Connection, and Higher Layer Tunneling. A high level overview of these VLAN connectivity options is available at the [wiki:ConnectivityOverview Connectivity Overview] page. Detailed steps required to acquire various types of connections between two campuses are captured at [wiki:ConnectivityGuidelines VLAN Connectivity Guidelines] page. Also for a list of supported !OpenFlow VLAN options for your campus you may refer to the [wiki:ConnectivityOptions Connectivity Options] page. To implement your VLAN choice you can contact [mailto:help@geni.net help@geni.net], with a request that defines your VLAN requirements. In the request you should capture the following details: * VLAN connection type [[BR]] * your campus VLAN details [[BR]] * the regional networks provider for the sites/campuses you plan to use [[BR]] * the national research backbone(s) for your sites. [[BR]] If you are not sure what Site/Regional/Backbone VLAN resources you are using, you can get assistance at [mailto:help@geni.net help@geni.net]. If you are planning to use !OpenFlow (OF) VLAN resources for your experiment you can use Omni tools to query and request OF resources from a site !OpenFlow Aggregate Manager. The [wiki:GENIExperimenter/ExperimentExample-OF GENI OpenFlow Experiment Example 2] page captures an OF Experiment and walks through the Authentication, Omni tools configuration, Resource Allocation, Opt-in Manager Administrative approval, up to running an experiment. If you require help to set up your OF resources, support is available at [mailto:help@geni.net help@geni.net], where you will get support to get the OF VLAN resources needed for your experiment and provide the following details: resource needed, location of the resource, and experiment characteristics (Speed, Bandwidth requirements, etc). Details required for the OF VLAN depend on the experiment, therefore the list of information required will vary for your experiment. For additional information on how to configure Omni tools see the [http://trac.gpolab.bbn.com/gcf/wiki/OmniOpenFlow Omni OpenFlow] page for details. == 4. Get Resources == The Omni tools can create a slice and reserve one or more resource slivers. In the supporting [wiki:GENIExperimenter/ExperimentExample GENI Experiment Example 1] page, examples are provides that show how to: * [wiki:GENIExperimenter/ExperimentExample#Listavailableresources List available resources] in the PG and PL aggregates. * [wiki:GENIExperimenter/ExperimentExample#Createaslice Create a Slice] in the GPO PG aggregate. * [wiki:GENIExperimenter/ExperimentExample#AddEmulabPGresourcestoGPOPGslice Add Emulab PG nodes] to GPO PG slice. * [wiki:GENIExperimenter/ExperimentExample#AddPlanetLabresourcestoGPOPGslice Add PL nodes] to GPO PG slice. * [wiki:GENIExperimenter/ExperimentExample#Checkingsliverresourcestatus Check Resource Status]. Similarly, for an experiment using OF flowspace resources, see the [wiki:GENIExperimenter/ExperimentExample-OF GENI OpenFlow Experiment Example 2] page, which also provides examples as in the above. For additional details on how to get framework resources: within !PlanetLab see the [http://trac.gpolab.bbn.com/gcf/wiki/OmniPlanetLab Omni PlaneLab] page, or within ProtoGENI Emulab see the [http://trac.gpolab.bbn.com/gcf/wiki/OmniProtoGeni Omni ProtoGENI] page. == 5. Run Experiment == Once the slice and sliver resources are ready, and a VLAN or an OF VLAN has been successfully set up, you may now run your experiment. Remember to monitor the expiration time for your slice for each of the resource aggregates with the Omni ''sliverstatus'' option and to extend expiration as needed with the ''renewsliver'' option. An example for checking the ''sliverstatus'' and ''renewsliver'' can be found [wiki:GENIExperimenter/ExperimentExample#Checkingsliverresourcestatus here]. When your experiment is completed, you should [wiki:GENIExperimenter/ExperimentExample#Deletesliverresources delete slivers] to release your resources from each resource aggregate used. ---- {{{ #!html Email help@geni.net for GENI support or email me with feedback on this page! }}}