== Converting ProtoGENI v2 to GENI v3 == The only thing that changed from ProtoGENI v2 to GENI v3 RSpecs is the location of the schemas. If you are using ProtoGENI v2 then make sure that you replace this URL: `http://www.geni.net/resources/rspec/3` with this: `http://www.protogeni.net/resources/rspec/2` and vice versa. On the top of a ProtoGENI v2 RSpecs there is the `` tag that provides a lot of information about the RSpec version that is used in the document. In order to convert them to GENI v3 RSpecs you will just need to replace that tag. ''' ProtoGENI v2 Example ''' {{{ #!xml }}} ''' GENI v3 Example ''' {{{ #!xml }}}