Changes between Version 28 and Version 29 of GiB-gettingStarted

10/02/12 17:09:43 (12 years ago)
Vic Thomas



  • GiB-gettingStarted

    v28 v29  
    226226You can now ssh into the hosts allocated to you and do what you need to do to get your experiment working.  For example, you can install and run software.  If needed, you can use the {{sudo}} command to do things that require root privileges. 
    228 In the case of our experiment, the software needed (iperf) was installed by our startup script.  Our startup script put the output of iperf in a file accessible from a web browser.   Since our iperf client ran on node {{{pc102}}} (the node labeled 'right' in the request spec), we can use a browser to view the output of this client.  Start up Firefox in a terminal on the GENI-in-a-Box virtual machine and enter the url {{{}}}.  The iperf client output should appear in your browser window.
     228In the case of our experiment, the software needed (iperf) was installed by our startup script.  Our startup script put the output of iperf in a file accessible from a web browser.   Since our iperf client ran on node {{{pc101}}} (the node labeled 'left' in the request spec), we can use a browser to view the output of this client.  Start up Firefox in a terminal on the GENI-in-a-Box virtual machine and enter the url {{{}}}.  The iperf client output should appear in your browser window.
    230230You can also ssh into the node pc102 to view this file.  GENI-in-a-Box comes with a user account 'alice' with private and public keys for alice installed in it.  When experimenter nodes are created an account is created for alice on these nodes and alice's public key installed in the .ssh directory inside alice's home directory.  You can create your own user accounts; see here for instructions.
    232 You can ssh into node {{{pc102}}} as alice type {{{ssh -lalice}}} or just {{{ssh -lalice pc102}}}.  The terminal session below shows the ssh'ing into {{{pc102}}}, going to the directory with the iperf log file, and viewing that file.
     232You can ssh into node {{{pc101}}} as alice type {{{ssh -lalice}}} or just {{{ssh -lalice pc101}}}.  The terminal session below shows the ssh'ing into {{{pc101}}}, going to the directory with the iperf log file, and viewing that file.
     234$ ssh -lalice pc101
     235The authenticity of host 'pc101 (' can't be established.
     236RSA key fingerprint is d1:ea:fe:92:38:69:6b:85:3e:7c:65:cb:83:26:f5:0a.
     237Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
     238Warning: Permanently added 'pc101,' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
     240alice@pc101's password:
     241[alice@left ~] $ cd /var/www/html
     242[alice@left html] $ ls
     244[alice@left html] $ cat iperf-client.log
     246Server listening on TCP port 5001
     247TCP window size: 85.3 KByte (default)
     249[  4] local port 5001 connected with port 53488
     250[ ID] Interval       Transfer     Bandwidth
     251[  4]  0.0-10.1 sec  50.1 MBytes  41.6 Mbits/sec
     252[alice@left html] $