Open a browser window and go to the GENI Portal: Click on the Use GENI button. [[Image(welcome.png, 30%)]] Next you will be asked to enter the name of the institution or organization you are affiliated with. As you type a list of selections will appear. Select your institution or orgainzation, then click continue. [[Image(partner.png, 30%)]] You will be asked to enter credentials for your institution or organization. This is likely the same username and password that you user for other services at your institution. Enter your credentials and then click to continue. If your credentials are accepted, you will be taken to your GENI Portal home page. Under the “My Projects” section you will find a list of projects you are a part of. Click on the name of the project you will create your experiment in. (If you are participating in this tutorial at a conference select the project created for the tutorial.) The GENI Project page has information on the selected project, including project members and active slices. To create a slice of your own click on Create Slice in the Project Actions box at the top of the page. [[Image(createSlice.png, 30%)]] Choose a name for your slice. This name needs to be unique among all the slices in GENI. To ensure uniqueness it is recommended that the slice name begin with your username and be followed with a descriptive string. For example, if your username was smith, you might choose a slice name of smithTmix. Enter your slice name and a description of the slice (optional) in the text boxes, and then click the Create slice button. [[Image(slice.png, 30%)]] Assuming the slice was successfully created, you will be taken to the slice page. Here you can add and delete resources, access various tools, and view the status of the slice. Click on the Add Resources button to add resources to your slice. [[Image(slicePage.png, 100%)]] …............add key stuff On the Add resources page you can choose resources to add to your slice from a specific aggregate. For this tutorial select the “Tmix - Two nodes, one link” resource specification and the ProtoGENI Utah aggregate. Click the Reserve Resources button. [[Image(resource.png, 30%)]] The next page will indicate that it is reserving the requested resources. It may take a few minutes. Once the resources are allocated you will see a detailed list of the resources. [[Image(resources.png, 30%)]] Before leaving this page, note the Login line of each of the two nodes listed. Each login line will contain the hostname of the node, for example You will need the hostame of both nodes later in this tutorial. You can write them down, or return to this details page later. Click on the Slice link at the top of the page to return to the Slice page. Click on Resource Status to view the detailed status of the resources. Likely the status page will show that the hosts are not yet ready. The resources have been allocated, but the nodes are being imaged, and booted. This process can take up to 10 minutes. [[Image(status.png, 30%)]] Once the nodes are ready you should see the status change to READY. [[Image(status2.png, 30%)]] You now ready to log in to your nodes and run Tmix. Please continue on the main Tutorial page.