[[PageOutline]] = Tmix Software = This page describes how to install and use the Tmix software for generating Tmix input files from a network traffic trace. == Software Package == Those desiring to generate their own Tmix input files can obtain a copy of the Tmix software package by sending an email to Jay Aikat (aikat AT cs DOT unc DOT edu) == Software Dependencies == The Tmix software runs on modern Linux distributions, and depends on the following readily available software packages: * libpcap * wireshark-common (for capinfos) * tcpdump To Install the dependencies on Ubuntu issue the following commands: {{{ sudo apt-get install libpcap sudo apt-get install wireshark-common sudo apt-get install tcpdump }}} == Install == Follow these instructions to build and install the Tmix software. The following assumes version 1.0 of the software, if installing a different version, replace tmix.1.0 with the correct version number. 1. Copy the tmix software tarball to a directory where it can be uncompressed and untarred, then issue the following command: {{{ tar -zxvf tmix.1.0 }}} 2. Issue the following commands to configure, build the software: {{{ cd tmix.1.0 ./configure make }}} 3. (Optional) To test the software build, issue the following command: {{{ make check }}} 4. (Optional) The binaries are now available in the src directory. To install the binaries, issue the following command: {{{ sudo make install }}} Test Run Here is a 4 step test install of this software. Full usage instructions for each step are in README.txt Create gcf_config cd gcf cp gcf_config.sample gcf_config Optional: Edit gcf_config if you want to change settings from the default. Note: for a test run edits are not needed. Do this only if you want to change settings from the defaults. Create certificates and run the GENI Clearinghouse In terminal one: cd gcf python src/gen-certs.py python src/gcf-ch.py Run the GENI Aggregate Manager in a second terminal: python src/gcf-am.py Run the gcf client test script in a third terminal window: python src/gcf-test.py You should see output like this: $ python src/gcf-test.py INFO:gcf-test:CH Server is https://localhost:8000/. Using keyfile /home/jkarlin/dev/gcf/alice-key.pem, certfile /home/jkarlin/dev/gcf/alice-cert.pem INFO:gcf-test:AM Server is https://localhost:8001/. Using keyfile /home/jkarlin/dev/gcf/alice-key.pem, certfile /home/jkarlin/dev/gcf/alice-cert.pem Slice Creation SUCCESS: URN = urn:publicid:IDN+geni:gpo:gcf+slice+1468-659: Testing GetVersion... passed Testing ListResources... passed Testing CreateSliver... passed Testing SliverStatus... passed Testing ListResources... passed Testing RenewSliver... passed. (Result: False) Testing DeleteSliver... passed Testing ListResources... passed Second Slice URN = urn:publicid:IDN+geni:gpo:gcf+slice+065e-c63: Testing ListResources... passed Testing CreateSliver... passed Testing Shutdown... passed Next Steps If you ran in to issues or your output looks different Confirm you followed the install instructions including dependencies See the Omni Troubleshooting page for more detailed help Look at the source for the reference aggregate manager to understand how the API and credentials are used, or to implement your own AM. See README-omni.txt to try the Omni client for talking to multiple aggregate managers and control frameworks. Try federating your test GCF aggregate manager with another clearinghouse. For details, see README.txt Further reading is on the GENI Wiki, as listed in README.txt.