= GENI Operations, Management, Integration, and Security Working Group () = This is the OMIS working group wiki. Heidi Picher Dempsey [mailto:hdempsey@geni.net] is the working group chair. To find out what the OMIS working group does, browse these pages and read the [http://www.geni.net/wg/omis-wg.htm working group charter]. If you have comments or suggestions on the charter, please send them to the [http://lists.geni.net/mailman/listinfo/substrate-wg omis-wg mailing list]. If you have comments or suggestions about these pages, feel free to log in and improve their content. To view past archives of the mailing list, see the [http://lists.geni.net/pipermail/omis-wg/ mailman archive] or the [http://www.nabble.com/GENI-OMIS-WG-f26304.html nabble archive]. == OMIS Announcements == OMIS met for the first time on 10/09/07. Listen to the meeting audio on the [http://www.geni.net/geni-engineering-conference/geni-engineering-conference.html GENI Engineering Conference] page, and add your thoughts on the mailing list. The substrate and services working groups both have draft lists that need OMIS input: substrate's [http://groups.geni.net/geni/wiki/SubstrateResources resource list] and Services' [http://www.nabble.com/usage-scenarios-tf4882687.html usage scenarios]. Please comment on the mailing lists, or edit the draft wiki pages. == OMIS Work-in-Progress == What are your top 10 operations problems with networks today? What do you forsee for GENI operations problems? Contribute to our draft [OperationsIssues "Top 10" Ops list to let potential GENI contributors know what problems need GENI's attention most].