= GENI Instrumentation and Measurements Architecture, Version 0.1 = An effort is underway to define and document the GENI Instrumentation and Measurements Architecture. Plan:[[BR]] + Completed by GEC7: v0.1 DRAFT, by GPO [[BR]] + Completed by GEC8: v0.5 DRAFT, by GPO, with revised outline and contributions after 2nd workshop[[BR]] + In preparation: v1.0 DRAFT, including contributions from WG[[BR]] A first DRAFT (v0.1) was completed by the GPO: [http://groups.geni.net/geni/attachment/wiki/GeniInstrumentationandMeasurementsArchitecture/030810%20%20GENI-SE-IM-ARCH-0.1.pdf GENI I&M Architecture (Document ID: GENI-SE-IM-ARCH-0.1, Date: March 8, 2010)] [[BR]] This DRAFT includes proposed I&M services and a proposed configuration [[BR]] Document outline:[[BR]] 1. Document Scope[[BR]] 2. Introduction[[BR]] 3. Definition and configuration of I&M services[[BR]] 4. Interfaces, protocols and schema for Measurement Data (MD)[[BR]] 5. Ownership of MD and privacy of owners[[BR]] 6. Interfaces, protocols and APIs for using I&M services[[BR]] 7. Basic GENI I&M use cases[[BR]] 8. MD transport via the GENI Measurement Plane[[BR]] 9. Discovery, authorization, assignment and binding of GENI I&M services[[BR]] 10. Measurement Orchestration (MO) service[[BR]] 11. Measurement Point (MP)[[BR]] 12. Time-stamping MD[[BR]] 13. Measurement Collection (MC) service[[BR]] 14. Measurement Analysis and Presentation (MAP) service[[BR]] 15. Measurement Data Archive (MDA) service[[BR]] 16. Additional GENI I&M use cases[[BR]] This document was reviewed at the Inst&Meas WG meeting at GEC7: [http://groups.geni.net/geni/attachment/wiki/Gec7InstMeasWGAgenda/031210%20%20IM-ARCH-GEC7Slides.pdf slides] [[BR]] A second DRAFT (v0.5) was completed by the GPO, with input from the 2nd I&M Workshop: [http://groups.geni.net/geni/attachment/wiki/GeniInstrumentationandMeasurementsArchitecture/072210%20%20GENI-SE-IM-ARCH-0.5.pdf GENI I&M Architecture (Document ID: GENI-SE-IM-ARCH-0.5, Date: July 22, 2010)] [[BR]] This DRAFT has a revised outline: [[BR]] Document outline:[[BR]] 1. Document Scope[[BR]] 2. Introduction[[BR]] 3. Instrumentation and Measurement (I&M) Use Cases [[BR]] 4. Configuration of I&M services[[BR]] 5. Interfaces to I&M Services [[BR]] 6. Measurement Traffic Flows 7. Schema and Protocols for Measurement Data (MD) Flows/File Transfers[[BR]] 8. Ownership of MD and Privacy of Owners[[BR]] 9. APIs and Protocols for Using I&M Services[[BR]] 10. Discovery, Authorization, Assignment and Binding of GENI I&M Services[[BR]] 11. Measurement Orchestration (MO) service[[BR]] 12. Measurement Point (MP)Service[[BR]] 13. Time-stamping MD[[BR]] 14. Measurement Information (MI) Service [[BR]] 15. Measurement Collection (MC) Service[[BR]] 16. Measurement Analysis and Presentation (MAP) Service[[BR]] 17. Measurement Data Archive (MDA) Service[[BR]] A third DRAFT (v1.0) is in preparation, with input from the WG. [[BR]] The community is invited to help prepare and review this draft, and provide comments, additions or changes to the Inst&Meas WG SE, Harry Mussman, at hmussman@bbn.com