Changes between Version 6 and Version 7 of Gec9ClusterDAgenda

10/28/10 18:18:10 (13 years ago)



  • Gec9ClusterDAgenda

    v6 v7  
    2020 Use for research experiments   [[BR]]
    22 Some expected experiments using Cluster D:[[BR]]
     22Some expected experiments using Cluster D during Spiral 3:[[BR]]
    2323 Programmable Packet Networks over Dynamic Circuit Substrate  (Jeff Chase, Xiaowei Yang)[[BR]]
    2424 Optical-layer experiments  (BEN network, ERM sensors)[[BR]]
    2727 Sensor  network experiments (Kansei)[[BR]]
    3130 Researchers can obtain and stitch resources from multiple aggregates[[BR]]
    3332 Researchers in Cluster D can obtain resources from other CFs (e.g., protoGENI)via GENI AM API  [[BR]]
    35 Some specific goals for GEC10:[[BR]]
     35=== Spiral 3 Roadmap (proposed)  (12:20pm, Mussman and Baldine) ===
     37Cluster D clearinghouse from Spiral 3: [[BR]]
     38 Operational readiness[[BR]]
     39 Connectivity by aggregates[[BR]]
     40 Features[[BR]]
     42Cluster D connectivity from Spiral 2: [[BR]]
     43 Control framework message flows  [[BR]]
     44 Component programming via SSH  [[BR]]
     45 VLAN connectivity to Internet 2 or NLR   Many VLANs  [[BR]]
     46 Bridge between backbone networks  [[BR]]
     47 Ability to control setup of VLANs as part of experiment   [[BR]]
     48 Ability to control setup of VLANs as part of experiment involving multiple aggregates  [[BR]]
     50Task list for Spiral 3: [[BR]]
     51 Streamline Cluster D site setup and operation, including cluster (Eucalyptus) and connector (L2 switch, with full tag mapping) [[BR]]
     52 Streamline connectivity to Cluster D sites on campuses, via regional networks (LEARN project) [[BR]]
     54 Allow Cluster D researchers to obtain and stitch resources from multiple Cluster D sites, connected by backbone domain,  using their SM. [[BR]]
     55 Plan to authenticate users in SM via InCommon/Shibboleth  [[BR]]
     57 With other CFs, a plan for consistent names and interfaces [[BR]]
     58 With other CFs, a plan for resource descriptions at interoperability interfaces [[BR]]
     59 Plan to interop with other CFs, particularly from and to protoGENI (Cluster C) [[BR]]
     61 Allow GENI (e.g., protoGENI) researchers to obtain resources via GENI AM API v1.0  (using RSpec resource description) [[BR]]
     63 Allow Cluster D researchers to include tools (e.g., GUSH) to help authorize, reserve, assign and configure resources via “ORCA SM API v1.0” XMLRPC interface to their SM (like protoGENI AM API, same as GENI AM API v2.0? ) [[BR]]
     65 Plan to get resources from protoGENI aggregates via GENI AM API v1.0 (or protoGENI AM API?) (using RSpec resource description) [[BR]]
     67 Plan for naming and stitching L2 connectivity across Cluster C (protoGENI), and Cluster D sites [[BR]]
     69 Plan for operations portal into Cluster D site, including  status and logs, with connections to GMOC [[BR]]
     71Demos for GEC10:[[BR]]
    3672 Demo experiment where Cluster D researchers obtain and stitch resources from multiple Cluster D sites (and backbone domains) using their SM.[[BR]]
    3773 Demo experiment where  protoGENI researchers obtain resources via GENI AM API v1.0, using RSpec resource description.[[BR]]
    3874 Demo operations portal into Cluster D site, for status and logs, with connections to GMOC[[BR]]
    40 Some specific goals for GEC11: [[BR]]
     76Demos for GEC11: [[BR]]
    4177 Demo experiment where Cluster D researchers get resources from protoGENI aggregates via GENI AM API v1.0  (or protoGENI AM API?) (using RSpec resource description)[[BR]]
    4278 Demo experiment where Cluster D researchers stitch L2 connectivity across Cluster C (protoGENI), and Cluster D sites[[BR]]
    4379 Demo experiment where Cluster D researchers include tools (e.g., GUSH) to help authorize, reserve and assign resources via “ORCA SM API v1.0” XMLRPC interface to their SM (like protoGENI AM API?)  (same as GENI AM API v2.0? )[[BR]]
    46 === Spiral 3 Roadmap (proposed)  (12:20pm, Mussman and Baldine) ===
    48 Task list:
    49  Streamline Cluster D site setup and operation, including cluster (Eucalyptus) and connector (L2 switch, with full tag mapping)
    50  Streamline connectivity to Cluster D sites on campuses, via regional networks (LEARN project)
    52  Allow Cluster D researchers to obtain and stitch resources from multiple Cluster D sites, connected by backbone domain,  using their SM.
    53  Plan to authenticate users in SM via InCommon/Shibboleth
    55  With other CFs, a plan for consistent names and interfaces
    56  With other CFs, a plan for resource descriptions at interoperability interfaces
    57  Plan to interop with other CFs, particularly from and to protoGENI (Cluster C)
    59  Allow GENI (e.g., protoGENI) researchers to obtain resources via GENI AM API v1.0  (using RSpec resource description)
    61  Allow Cluster D researchers to include tools (e.g., GUSH) to help authorize, reserve, assign and configure resources via “ORCA SM API v1.0” XMLRPC interface to their SM (like protoGENI AM API, same as GENI AM API v2.0? )
    63  Plan to get resources from protoGENI aggregates via GENI AM API v1.0 (or protoGENI AM API?) (using RSpec resource description)
    65  Plan for naming and stitching L2 connectivity across Cluster C (protoGENI), and Cluster D sites
    67  Plan for operations portal into Cluster D site, including  status and logs, with connections to GMOC
    71  Figure 1-1) and 1-2):  CLuster D Config at end of Spiral 3
    73  Figure 2):  ORCA Site Config
    75  Figure 3):  Multiple ORCA Sites
    77  Figure 4):  ORCA Interop with protGENI
    79  Figure 5):  ORCA Experiment Flow
     81Views: [[BR]]
     83 Figure 1-1) and 1-2):  CLuster D Config at end of Spiral 3 [[BR]]
     85 Figure 2):  ORCA Site Config [[BR]]
     87 Figure 3):  Multiple ORCA Sites [[BR]]
     89 Figure 4):  ORCA Interop with protGENI [[BR]]
     91 Figure 5):  ORCA Experiment Flow [[BR]]
     185Experiments: [[BR]]
     186 Use by outside researchers[[BR]]
     187 Use involving multiple aggregates[[BR]]
     188 Use for research experiments   [[BR]]
     190Some expected experiments using Cluster D during Spiral 3:[[BR]]
     191 Programmable Packet Networks over Dynamic Circuit Substrate  (Jeff Chase, Xiaowei Yang)[[BR]]
     192 Optical-layer experiments  (BEN network, ERM sensors)[[BR]]
     193 Mobile  wireless experiments (DOME)[[BR]]
     194 Sensor experiments, e.g., Nowcasting experiments, using weather data from ViSE radar, processed in local cluster and/or cloud (ViSE and DICLOUD)[[BR]]
     195 Sensor  network experiments (Kansei)[[BR]]
    174198== Discussion of Roadmap for Spiral 3 (3:15pm - 4:00pm) ==
    176 For Spiral 3, these goals are reaffirmed, and particularly: [[BR]]
    178  Goal 1:  Live experiments [[BR]]
    179  Goal 2:  Identity management  [[BR]]
    180  Goal 5:  Interoperability, permitting clusters to access the widest number of aggregate, including use of GENI AM API  [[BR]]
    182 ORCA features: [[BR]]
    184  XML-RPC interface, compatible with GENI AM API[[BR]]
    185  Shibboleth interop[[BR]]
    187 Cluster D clearinghouse: [[BR]]
     201Cluster D clearinghouse from Spiral 3: [[BR]]
    189202 Operational readiness[[BR]]
    190203 Connectivity by aggregates[[BR]]
    191204 Features[[BR]]
    194 Cluster D connectivity: [[BR]]
     206Cluster D connectivity from Spiral 2: [[BR]]
    196207 Control framework message flows  [[BR]]
    197208 Component programming via SSH  [[BR]]
    201212 Ability to control setup of VLANs as part of experiment involving multiple aggregates  [[BR]]
    204 Experiments: [[BR]]
    206  Use by outside researchers[[BR]]
    207  Use involving multiple aggregates[[BR]]
    208  Use for research experiments   [[BR]]
     214Task list for Spiral 3: [[BR]]
     215 Streamline Cluster D site setup and operation, including cluster (Eucalyptus) and connector (L2 switch, with full tag mapping) [[BR]]
     216 Streamline connectivity to Cluster D sites on campuses, via regional networks (LEARN project) [[BR]]
     218 Allow Cluster D researchers to obtain and stitch resources from multiple Cluster D sites, connected by backbone domain,  using their SM. [[BR]]
     219 Plan to authenticate users in SM via InCommon/Shibboleth  [[BR]]
     221 With other CFs, a plan for consistent names and interfaces [[BR]]
     222 With other CFs, a plan for resource descriptions at interoperability interfaces [[BR]]
     223 Plan to interop with other CFs, particularly from and to protoGENI (Cluster C) [[BR]]
     225 Allow GENI (e.g., protoGENI) researchers to obtain resources via GENI AM API v1.0  (using RSpec resource description) [[BR]]
     227 Allow Cluster D researchers to include tools (e.g., GUSH) to help authorize, reserve, assign and configure resources via “ORCA SM API v1.0” XMLRPC interface to their SM (like protoGENI AM API, same as GENI AM API v2.0? ) [[BR]]
     229 Plan to get resources from protoGENI aggregates via GENI AM API v1.0 (or protoGENI AM API?) (using RSpec resource description) [[BR]]
     231 Plan for naming and stitching L2 connectivity across Cluster C (protoGENI), and Cluster D sites [[BR]]
     233 Plan for operations portal into Cluster D site, including  status and logs, with connections to GMOC [[BR]]
     235Demos for GEC10:[[BR]]
     236 Demo experiment where Cluster D researchers obtain and stitch resources from multiple Cluster D sites (and backbone domains) using their SM.[[BR]]
     237 Demo experiment where  protoGENI researchers obtain resources via GENI AM API v1.0, using RSpec resource description.[[BR]]
     238 Demo operations portal into Cluster D site, for status and logs, with connections to GMOC[[BR]]
     240Demos for GEC11: [[BR]]
     241 Demo experiment where Cluster D researchers get resources from protoGENI aggregates via GENI AM API v1.0  (or protoGENI AM API?) (using RSpec resource description)[[BR]]
     242 Demo experiment where Cluster D researchers stitch L2 connectivity across Cluster C (protoGENI), and Cluster D sites[[BR]]
     243 Demo experiment where Cluster D researchers include tools (e.g., GUSH) to help authorize, reserve and assign resources via “ORCA SM API v1.0” XMLRPC interface to their SM (like protoGENI AM API?)  (same as GENI AM API v2.0? )[[BR]]
     245Views: [[BR]]
     247 Figure 1-1) and 1-2):  CLuster D Config at end of Spiral 3 [[BR]]
     249 Figure 2):  ORCA Site Config [[BR]]
     251 Figure 3):  Multiple ORCA Sites [[BR]]
     253 Figure 4):  ORCA Interop with protGENI [[BR]]
     255 Figure 5):  ORCA Experiment Flow [[BR]]
    210258==  Adjourn (4:30pm)  ==